As Ugg boots come in a distinct line of natural colors, you can also get them blue, pink, black, lilac and chestnut varieties. Once you have got them, and your feet looking and feeling good in the new stylish sheepskin boots, the nest step ahead is you need to keep your uggs looking as pleasant as on the day you brought them.
Let's think about the places and surfaces you will be wearing uggs. Though sheepskin boots can keep your foot warm and comfy even in cold weather (up to -30 degrees) they are not equal to that of snow boots. You should not wear uggs while walking on the wet pavements or snow surfaces as that will damage the quality of the boots.
Try to avoid your ugg boots getting wet as much as possible, since water will reduce their lifespan. One of the best things to keep your uggs clean and good is to protect them with the 'Water Repellent' products. Applying qualtiy and branded water repellent products to sheepskin boots will acts as an effective seal against dirt, discoloration and also entry of water.
If your uggs become filthy and stained then they can be gently washed by hand with cold water. It's better to avoid laundering them in washing machine and hot water. This may cause discoloration and permanent damage to sheepskin.
Steps to clean the soiled and stained uggs:
Wet the affected areas on the boots with clean and cold water.
Dip a soft cloth into a little amount of diluted cleaner or conditioner and apply smoothly on the stained areas of the boots. Never apply them directly onto uggs.
Softly, scrub the footwear with sponge or soft cloth. You can rub with pencil to remove the stain marks on your uggs prior to washing them.
If there are any persistent oily stains on your boots then apply a fine powder of white chalk to the tinge areas and rub gently with a piece of sponge.
Do not stretch the boots, but you could squeeze them to eliminate if any excess water.
Stuff the uggs with paper towels to retain their shape and allow them to dry naturally in a warm place away from direct heat or sunlight.
Once your ugg boots are dry then brush the cleaned area softly with a suede / Nubuck brush.
Apply any suitable deodorizing product or 2 tsp of baking soda to keep your boots fragrant and free from foot odor.
100% genuine sheepskin boots are a natural product, which needs to be carefully protected, so you can enjoy them for many seasons to come. Proper care and cleaning of your ugg boots will make them last longer maintaining the quality as well.
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