There has been a persistent squabble over whether one should use short or long articles online. In article marketing, the squabble continues with strong support for each position. Short articles are generally considered to between 400 words to 500 words and in some cases as little as 250 words. Long articles are more than 750 words. Proponents of short articles claim that attention spans online are quite short and an internet surfer will not pay much attention to long articles. They point to the well known fact of skimming or page scanning as proof. Surfers generally land on a page and tend to scan the page by scrolling; running their eyes on the page from top to bottom without really reading.
Article marketing has become a very popular method of traffic generation, and the reason why is simple you must go to People come to the Internet for one of two reasons- they either want to buy something or they want information on something. In providing a product and then valuable information about that product, or any product in general, then you are doubling your marketing power and getting twice the amount of traffic for your site.
The long articles proponents on the other hand point to the inability to communicate much more than introductory information in such short articles. And except for FYI (For Your Information), tips and opinion articles, short articles are shallow and not considered of high value. So should you use long or short articles for your article marketing? Considering article marketing targets webmasters to pick up your articles for their own websites, the author is inclined more towards long articles; and for good reasons. As a webmaster, to pick any article for reprint it would require the article to be insightful and particularly unique in perspective. Such content often will require the accompaniment of the more general information to create the foundation for the more insightful information. Just this setting up of the content could as well use 250 words. In addition it is rare that a webmaster would pick FYI or a tip articles. Reasons being, they have no where to publish them.
Unless they particularly have frequent tips ozone or a tips page, the webmaster would prefer several tips in one page which would make along article. Unlike off-line publishing, websites usually do not have spaces for filler content. Fillers are short articles that are used to fill up space in newspapers and magazines. FYI articles on the other hand are generally regurgitated content and often the webmaster will not consider them of great value unless of course it news or go to As for well presented opinions, they tend to be long due to reasons detailed above concerning setting up the content. But again, this column is never more than 450 words. And as much as it more of introductory and FYI/Tips kind of column, it is insightful for those new to internet business (newbie's). All in all you articles should be as long as they need to be but always of great value.
Long Or Short Hair Men
No prizes for guessing correctly - A long, INTERESTING sales letter consistently converts more prospects into paying customers.
(And notice I capitalized the word 'interesting' because if your sales copy is boring nothing will keep the reader glued to it - no matter how short it is.)
Why is the long sales letter more effective?
A long and exciting sales letter keeps your prospects glued to your page from beginning to end, it focuses them on your words, words that will produce a strong feeling of companionship with you and make your prospects want to take your desired action which is to buy your product.
Long copy also gives you the opportunity to tell your prospect everything about your product, you can create word pictures in it so that your prospect can see your product in his mind and imagine him self getting the benefits from owning it.
If you write only a short sales letter you never have the chance to fully explain the benefits of your product or answer any questions that your prospect may raise.
You are not able to talk to your prospect in person so you have to rely on your sales letter to do the talking for you. This means that it must answer every possible objection, displace any resistance and fully implant in your prospects mind the better life he will have from owning your product.
This is almost impossible to do with short copy.
The concept of companionship is also very important and is something you should always keep in your mind whenever you write a sales letter.
You have to identify with your prospects and really get to know their wants and desires. Your words must tell them that you understand where they are coming from and what their problems are.
They must let your prospects know that you genuinely feel for them.
This will build up a strong sense of security and trust with them, they will believe you can help them in their need and eagerly await the solution you have to their problems. For help visit For this very same reason you have to address your letter to one person and talk to him/her as you would a cherished friend. (I have a post it note with these words written out in capitals, glued to the to of my monitor to remind me!)
Once you have gained a prospects trust they will eagerly become a customer and await further recommendations from you.
A trusting customer...
This is where you start to make real money - by repeating selling to a list of hot customers.
Trusting customers will eagerly buy products that you recommend and you may be lucky to develop such good relationships with your customers that they become life-long customers and buy on your word alone.
This puts a big responsibility on your shoulders - trust is the key issue here and never to be undervalued.
So, whatever you sell, ensure it is of a genuinely high standard and that you've tried it out yourself before offering it to your client.
To sum up...
The more relevant, interesting copy you write, the better.
Yes, some people will say they do not like to read a long sales letter and when they say that you know that they are NOT going to be your customer. You can check it out from
Also, if they were to become your customer, they probably would not have the patience with your product or service either, which can often lead to increased support requests and requests for refunds.
Is this the type of person you want to do business with?
So longer copy can also act as a qualification step for your prospects - you want to build up a customer base of highly targeted clients who will buy at your recommendation because of the trust you've built up with them.
Both Jagdeep Singh & Sanja are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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