In case you didn't know America is now the fattest nation in the world. Yes, that's right, nearly 35% of Americans are Obese and over 70% are now overweight. Unfortunately, with so many fast food restaurants tempting us in with special offers, eating healthy foods for many has been put aside. However, what most people simply do not know is that they can actually lose weight by eating the same food each day!
Yes I know, generally people who are overweight eat too much. It is a simple fact of life. Not only that, as people get older, their metabolism slows down, meaning they do not burn as many calories as they once did. Eating habits have also changed. Fast food, TV Dinners, ready made supermarket food etc, are all a part of the problem.
So, how do you lose weight without having to starve yourself or drastically change your eating habits?
You need your metabolism to work in order to turn the calories you eat into energy. Now, it is true that some people naturally have active metabolisms and they can eat as much as they want and still not put on weight. But what about the rest? Doesn't it seem unfair that sometimes even looking at a delicious meal makes you put on 5 pounds?
Obviously, eating less will help you shed those pounds over time, but you can still lose weight naturally if you eat the same food each day. Now isn't that great news?
A quick tip here is to remember that it is not how much you eat, as opposed to what you eat. So, if you eat large beef steaks with massive amounts of fries, think about eating a smaller steak, less fries and fill up your plate with healthy vegetables instead. The amount of food can remain the same but the total numbers of calories and fat is highly reduced. All you then do is simply take a short walk to help stimulate your metabolism a little more.
Understanding calories and how many you should eat each day will of course help when deciding on what to eat. Also, taking a natural supplement after eating can help to stimulate your metabolism and burn some extra calories without much effort on your part. A touch more exercise will help you lose weight faster, but for many that is not possible depending on how much time they have each day.
Bare in mind that if you lose weight too quickly, it could have some irreparable side effects that may require an operation to overcome. Stick to losing weight naturally as it will give long lasting results.
By exercising more you can speed up the rate at which you burn calories, and it will help to build up your muscles and tighten your skin. Bare that in mind if you are serious about losing weight.
Your eating habits are important. Try eating more rice and chicken. Cereals, potatoes and of course fish are also good for you. Replace some heavy foods like red meats with more vegetables so you do not feel like you cutting back too much.
Research tells us that eating five small meals a day with around 300 calories per meal, will help stimulate your metabolism which in turn means you will lose weight easily.
As normal, visit your local Doctor or Pharmacist for advise before you start out on your weight loss program.
Just remember that losing weight doesn't mean you have to go without food and feel hungry all the time. Simple, small changes to what you eat will do the trick just fine.
Lose Weight Foods To Eat
People get bored with diets and weight loss plans and finally just give up altogether. Dieting can give you headaches and make you extremely tired during the first few weeks, so most people go back to their unhealthy way of eating and not exercising, except for the occasional walking back and forth at home or at work. This is not the solution.
The best idea is to incorporate some of the super foods into your diet and to begin to walk every single day. You can start out slowly, because walking for even fifteen minutes a day will speed up your metabolism if you have been very sedentary for a year or longer.
Walking is low impact, so you can do it without risking injury. Also, you can walk in most types of weather, but if it is just too hot or too cold there are shopping malls and gyms where you can walk indoors all year long. A good pair of walking shoes and comfortable clothing is all you need to get started.
Being overweight is an unnatural feeling. Your clothes do not fit and you are generally uncomfortable in your own body. If you can not cross your legs easily or touch your toes without bending your knees, it is time to make a change in your life.
You do not want to starve yourself either. Not eating enough food will deprive your body of important nutrients and disrupt your natural metabolism. Here are some of the super foods that will help you to restore your body's ability to use energy properly and help you to lose weight in a healthy way.
The first super food is asparagus. It is filled with chlorophyll and nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate. It is also rich in fiber, which helps with digestion and elimination. Asparagus contains a carbohydrate known as inulin that promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the large intestine.
Millet is a good replacement for refined grains such as white rice and pasta. Millet is a whole grain and is also gluten-free. It is high in fiber and contains more than ten percent protein. Millet is very easy to digest and also rich in the B vitamins.
Green tea has many beneficial antioxidants, even though it does have some caffeine. It is a great substitute for coffee because too much caffeine will lead to food cravings in many people.
Pomegranates are high in fiber and a good choice for a fresh fruit to eat as a snack. It is high in antioxidants and may even help to prevent some types of cancer. Fruits and vegetables in general have fewer calories and will fill you up when you get hungry while dieting.
Pine nuts, used in pesto and other dishes, are known for their ability to improve gastrointestinal tract and digestive system function. They may also suppress your appetite so you won't be so hungry while you are trying to lose weight.
Other healthy super foods are blueberries, fresh salmon, and legumes, such as lentils and split peas. Include whole grains and other fresh fruits and vegetables to round out your diet.
You will also want to eat smaller meals several times a day and avoid all processed foods, if at all possible. It it comes in a box or a can, it has been processed and will not serve you well if you need to lose weight.
Losing weight quickly in the beginning can jump start your metabolism and help you to drop the weight you want to lose and keep it off forever.
Both Gary J Kidd & Connie Ragen Green are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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