These men may also see random hair strands around their house. Finding hair strands on the pillow every morning and finding hair around the house are 2 very clear symptoms of a male pattern baldness condition developing.
Find out how to maximize your hair recovery efforts by following the 5 rules for stopping hair loss.
1.You must start early as possible.
The earlier you take action and do something about your hair falling out, the earlier you'll get to have your natural hair back like your healthy days.
2.Growing hair back takes time
The guys that actually try to stop their hair loss end up giving up because they don't see results right away. The main reason behind this lack of patience is because of all the hyped up promises that all kinds of products claim on TV and on the internet.
Stopping hair thinning and regenerating lost hair will take at least a full month. Most men see satisfactory results after 3 months of using a product.
3.Doesn't have to be expensive
Another reason why men give up is because they believe regenerating their hair will take thousands of dollars over a long time. That's not true. You can have your entire hair back just by using a reliable product at home, for less than $500, which will be about a consultation fee with a Trichologist (hair and scalp specialist)
Thinking smart and choosing highly effective methods will allow you to save a lot of money while maximizing results.
4.No need to go down to the pharmacy
Rogaine and Propecia are the 2 most popular hair loss chemical drugs available on the market today. These products have worked exceptionally for some, and may work for you. The major downside is that you'll need to spend a lot of money on these products because they will stop working if you stop using them.
5.Not all products work
It's no secret that many hair loss products don't live up to what they claim to do for you. 99% of these products claim they can help you get your hair back in less than 2 weeks, but that sort of result is impossible.
Make sure the product you'll buy has at least 1000mg of Saw Palmetto, which is a herb clinically proven to decrease DHT production drastically. And stop hair loss.
Lotion For Hair Loss
1) Try to understand why you are losing your hair. A few things to look at are stress levels, depression, diet, hormones, family history, as well as your overall surroundings.
2) Equip yourself with the most powerful treatments and techniques available to the public. This may not be an easy task. Looking through hundreds of scam treatments to find one or two legitimate treatments is like trying to find a rice grain in a playground filled with sand.
3) Get out of your comfort zone and try to develop a treatment regime. A treatment regime is a combination of approaches towards hair loss. Remember to think outside the box and take a few treatments at a time. make sure you are physically able to do this by talking to your doctor. You also need to choose treatments that you will be personally comfortable with using. Keep in mind that there may be many positive as well as negative side effects for different treatments.
4) Look into developing a specific plan of action. Decide which treatments to include in your regime. Get the treatments and read the instructions over carefully. The prices will range between $100-$500 each.
5) Take the time to commit to a plan and find an effective way to track your results. This is the only way that you will know whether or not your treatment regime is working. A few suggestions are using a calendar, keeping a journal, and even taking periodical photographs.
Both Tommy Lee & Donald Mckenzie Jr are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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