Male pattern baldness is a typical pattern of hair loss in men that is caused by genetics and hormones. Approximately 95 percent of all men who suffer some degree of hair loss do so because of male pattern baldness otherwise known as androgenetic alopecia.
Hair Growth Phases
1) Anagen
Growth Phase - Approximately 85 percent of the hair on your head is in the growing phase at any given time. This phase can last 2 to 6 years. Hair can grown at the rate of approximately 5 inches per year and any individual hair is unlikely to grow more than one yard long.
2) Catagen
Transitional phase. When the Anagen growth phase comes to an end, hair enters into a Catagen phase which lasts about one or two weeks. During this transitional phase, the hair follicle shrinks to about 1/6th of the normal diameter. The "root" is diminished and the dermal papilla breaks away and rests below the scalp.
3) Telogen
Resting Phase. After the catagen phase, hair goes into a resting phase known as telogen. This period can last five to six weeks. Although the hair does not grown during this stage, the dermal papilla stays in resting phase below the scalp. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of all hairs on your head are in this resting phase at any given moment. At the end of this stage, the hair follicle re-enters the growth phase. The dermal papilla and the base of the follicle join together again and a new hair begins to form. In some cases, the new hair will push the old hair out of the way and the hair growth cycle starts all over again.
Stress Disorders Leading to Hair Loss?
Trichotillomania, a psychological disorder that may be linked to stress, involves the compulsive pulling or twisting of hair, resulting in patchy or diffuse hair loss. This compulsion is thought to affect as much as 4 percent of the population, and it seems to affect females four times more often than males. This compulsion generally manifests itself before the age of 17 and is often limited to a period of a year or so. The earlier this compulsion appears and the sooner it is treated, the better the prognosis. Trichotillomania is not well understood, and some medical professionals believe that it is simply an ingrained bad habit, but it is sometimes treated with therapy and antidepressants.
Low Iron Hair Loss
#1: Hair Loss Is Not Cool
Losing your hair might make you feel much older than you really are. It can also result in others viewing you as a parent or grandparent rather than dating material.
Of course you don’t want to be blinding people with your shiny bald head as you walk down the street, either! (Rumor has it that some people have gotten tickets for “traffic interference" when the glare from their bald heads blinded a driver!)
#2: Hair Loss Can Be Caused By Various Things
Men and women both suffer from hair loss for a variety of reasons. Yet there are so many options
available now that no one should have to live with hair loss any more.
The first thing you need to do if you are losing hair is schedule an appointment with your doctor. It could be a sign of a serious medial issue that needs to be addressed.
If you are taking prescription medications the hair loss might be a side effect. For some individuals, hair loss is hereditary. The term male pattern baldness falls under this category.
#3: You Can Fight Hair Loss!
While you can’t do much about the genetics you have, there are some good options of keeping a nice head of hair. Some medications work well for individuals who have moderate levels of hair loss.
For more severe cases, other options may have to be looked at. These days wigs are a good option. Many of them look so good you can’t tell they aren’t real.
Some even feature highlights and things that are in style right now in society. For a permanent option you may consider a hair transplant. This process involves moving hairs from various locations on the scalp so they can grow in others. Each hair is individually harvested and moved.
#4: A Good Doctor Can Help
Having the hair you want is definitely a possibility. Don’t let hair loss be something that affects your appearance or your self esteem. There are plenty of good options out there for you.
To find out which ones fit your particular scenario schedule an ppointment with your doctor. They can refer you to a specialist if there are no underlying medical conditions to worry about. You don’t have to worry about hair loss anymore! Of course some people like the look of being bald as it appealing and sexy to them.
Other people like the idea of not having to take the time to wash, comb, or style their hair anymore. The choice is yours but if you want to keep your hair take a look at the options out there before the situation progresses.
Both Tiara James & James Briggs are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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