Alopecia or loss of hair in males differs from the alopecia of females. It is known as male pattern baldness. It is very common type of baldness and most of men suffer from it. Degree of severity varies from trivial to extreme. Male pattern baldness is on account of disorder of male hormones, which are collectively known as androgens. The hormone connected with male pattern hair loss is testosterone. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by the body that stimulated activity by organs or tissues elsewhere in the body. If a man has inherited the genes responsible for hair loss, a little of this testosterone is made by some of the hair roots into a derivative named as dihydrotestosterone. This dihydrotestosteron is mostly responsible for male pattern hair loss.
In males, alopecia starts during the twenties or early thirties of the life. There will be gradual loss of hair noticed from vertex (center of head facing sky) and temporal regions (sides). This process of falling hair may also begin after attaining puberty. The anterior hairline become thin or recedes on each side in such a fashion that the forehead becomes high. In course of time, the top of scalp totally becomes devoid of hair. In some cases, it is not the full-scale hair falling but falling at the vertex and receding of hair on both sides of parietal region. In some cases, there is uniform thinning of hair over the top of scalp with no pattern of spot baldness or otherwise. This thinning leads to complete baldness later.
The rate of falling hair varies from person to person. In the first stage, there will be sudden loss of hair in the twenties and this process of hair falling goes on slowly in coming number of years. The pattern of such hair falling in twenties and thirties of the life is that the hair falling is not affecting the occipital areas and parietal area. A patient of about twenty-five years came to me with complaint of hair loss from of head and vertex. His anxiety was that he was getting married. His father had also faced the same problem and he knew that it is by heredity. I advised him to wear the wig because there is no method to eliminate the inherited factors. He did not purchase a wig but was satisfied that there is no treatment. He got married and at the age of thirty-seven, he was completely bald at vertex and forehead.
There is a strong inherited factor in balding. This can be either from paternal or maternal side of the family. This affects both male and female but in most of cases of females, they do not inherit complete baldness. The pity is that the medical science does not know the exact mechanism working behind this theme of baldness. The doctors still advice and consol the patients prescribing medicines and oils etc.
I have not seen eunuchs developing baldness. The science might have attributed many reasons for this but practically; we take it as creation of Almighty.
Male And Female Characteristics
Many men pessimistically accept hair loss as a natural part of life. Hair loss for women is a less accepted occurrence, however. The loss of hair over the front and top of the scalp, known as female pattern baldness, affects 25 percent of premenopausal women and 38 percent of postmenopausal women. Male pattern baldness on the other hand affects 50 percent of men by the time they turn 50.
While some hair loss problems are hereditary, there are many things that can be done to slow down the process. Plus, not all hair loss is hereditary, in which case it can be prevented a lot of the time.
There is not a single solution to cure or prevent hair loss, but most of the time a nutritious diet will assist normal hair growth. Important vitamins and minerals for facilitating hair growth include zinc, copper, iron, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-7, and calcium.
To combine the benefits of these vitamins and minerals, you can purchase a multivitamin. Take a multivitamin regularly to receive maximum benefit.
Eating foods rich in these nutrients will decrease the chances of pattern baldness in both women and men. If these vitamins and minerals are not present in your diet, you can take them in capsule form.
Another crucial aspect of healthy hair growth and male and female pattern baldness prevention is a healthy thyroid. Iodine and selenium may help treat unhealthy thyroid levels. So may the herbs milk thistle and yellow dock.
Balanced hormones are also key to normal hair growth. The herb saw palmetto can help to regulate hormones and thus prevent hair loss in males and females.
Stress is a big enemy of hair growth. Studies suggest that people who are not overly stressed tend to suffer less from hair loss. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and moderate sunlight may help to regulate stress levels.
Another way to prevent hair loss or to stimulate hair growth is to massage your scalp on a regular basis. Scalp massages reduce the tension in hair follicles, thus stimulating hair growth. To massage your scalp, mix oil of bhringaraj with a bit of coconut oil. Massage your scalp with this mixture and leave it on until morning. Wear a bandanna to prevent your pillow from getting dirty.
For a more accurate diagnosis, see a health care practitioner well-versed in hair loss issues. Your health care practitioner may perform several tests to determine whether you are prone to pattern baldness or why you have suffered from it.
Generally, healthy habits (including a well balanced diet, an exercise regimen, and occasional scalp massages) will slow down, if not stop, hair loss. Besides that, a healthy lifestyle will benefit you in many ways in the long run.
Both Nasrullah Mardani & Michael Russell are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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