Shih Tzu dog shows and Shih Tzu dog breeding attracts the interest of people from all walks of life ranging from royalty to the lady next door. Ordinary family folk attend dog shows and compete successfully with top-quality dogs they have bred themselves. A good dog show judge will disregard all but the dogs themselves when making a final decision. Who you are or where you come from does not matter in good show dog judging. The Shih Tzu dogs have to prove themselves, not the people. The dog game is simply a love of dogs.
Most of the people you will meet at a Shih Tzu dog show share an appreciation for their dogs. As with any hobby or profession, however, there are many different opinions as to what a dog show truly is. You might hear things like: ?it's a cult.? You will definitely hear about the politics and the enormous amounts of money people spend on the dogs and how much the dogs hate it.
Where the dog game takes each participant depends wholly upon the individual interests in the sport. There is a place for everything in the dog game ? breeding, exhibiting, judging, training and teaching. The dog game is forever changing. To begin the Shih Tzu dog game journey, you will need a purebred Shih Tzu dog of course.
Where did it all begin? Dog showing actually began in England year of 1859. The first recorded formally organized dog show was held in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. The Newcastle show was limited to Setters and Pointers.
Dog shows were originally organized as a place for breeders to gather to have their breeding stock evaluated by someone knowledgeable in their respective breed. The decisions were based upon the theory that superior dogs were the most likely to contribute their good qualities to their offspring. A written description of an ideal specimen of a breed was established. These descriptions are known as ?breed standards.? Of all Shih Tzu dogs appearing before a knowledgeable judge or person, the dog that possessed most of the characteristics described in the standard won first place. The Shih Tzu dog closest in quality to the first-place dog was placed second, and so on. This same process continues today at dog shows.
If you live in the United States you will most likely be showing your Shih Tzu dogs under the American Kennel Club. The organization maintains offices in both New York City and Raleigh, North Carolina. The AKC is the largest purebred dog registry in the United States, but other domestic registries also exist.
The American Kennel Club is devoted to the advancement of purebred dogs and maintains a registry of recognized breeds. They adopt and enforce rules for dog events, dog shows, and obedience trials, field trails, hunting tests, lure coursing, herding, earth dog trials, agility and the Canine Good Citizen program.
Maltese Shih Tzu Dogs
Shih Tzu care is a challenging yet enjoyable task. Isn't it amazing to think of you and your dog, spending time together in doing things like bathing and cleaning the ears, eyes and other parts of the body? Your dog's ears are as important as other parts of his body and must be cleaned to prevent ear mites and allergies.
Before cleaning your dog's ears, get the necessary cleaning implements such as cotton balls, cotton swab, damp wash cloth or ear cleaning solution. Your veterinarian or local pet supply store can provide this ear wash or ear cleaning solution. Some use mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide as substitute for ear cleaning solution.
Remove the dirt in the outer area first using a cotton ball dampened with a cleaning solution. Then clean the inner ear. Fill the ear canal with cleaning solution then massage for about 20 seconds to help loosen dirt and ear wax. With the use of cotton balls, wipe the dirt and excess fluid but be careful not to push down the cotton balls inside the ear.
Proper cleaning of your dog's ear may prevent the following:
Otitis Media
Otits Media or infection of the middle ear occurs when the infection of the external ear canal spreads into the middle ear. Dog owners should be careful of foreign bodies, debris and ulceration and even when cleaning to prevent rupturing the eardrum, allowing bacteria to reach the middle ear. Middle ear infection exhibits odor, discharge, ear scratching, head shaking and head tilt.
Otitis Externa
Outer ear infection is another term for Otitis Externa. Otitis Externa is an infection of the ear canal that usually begins at the outside of the ear opening and moves inwards to the eardrum. Causes of outer ear infection include bacteria, fungi, ear mites, accumulation of wax, thick or matted hair in the ear canal, debris, impaired drainage of the ear and infections from other parts of the body.
Hematoma of the Ear Flap
Hematoma of the ear flap occurs when the blood is accumulated between the cartilage and skin of the ear flap. This condition occurs when the cartilage is damaged because of too much head shaking or scratching at the ears.
Ear Mite Infestation
Animals like dogs and cats can possibly be infested with ear mites. Dog owners should watch out for these tiny white parasites because they are highly contagious and could infect the whole litter even if only one dog is infested initially. Signs of ear mite infestation include head shaking and ear scratching.
Shih Tzu care is not only limited to making your dog look beautiful. Keeping him clean matters the most.
Both Connie Limon & Richard Cussons are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Connie Limon has sinced written about articles on various topics from Careers and Job Hunting, Dogs and Colon Cleanse. Connie Limon is a Shih Tzu breeder. She publishes a FREE weekly newsletter. Sign up at: Connie Limon's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark Connie Limon to your Favourites.
Richard Cussons has sinced written about articles on various topics from Terrier Dogs, Boston Terrier Dogs and Terrier Dogs. Richard Cussons has written diverse pieces on dogs. For added information on Shih Tzu care, take a look at out this site dedicated to. Richard Cussons's top article generates over 450000 views. Bookmark Richard Cussons to your Favourites.
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