It may surprising to learn that as many as 20 out of 100 people experience clinical depression every year. These aren't the normal blues most people experience at one time or other in their daily lives, usually related to a specific event or circumstance. The clinically depressed person has symptoms of melancholy on an almost daily basis that occurs independently of extenuating life events.
If a person is believed to be suffering from the symptoms of depression, it's important to contact a physician immediately since only a medical professional can determine the correct diagnosis. If medical evaluation reveals that the patient is, indeed, suffering from clinical depression, it's heartening to know there are effective treatment options available to get the depressed person back on his feet and functioning at peak capacity.
What treatment options are available to the depressed person?
1. Lifestyle modifications
Sometimes simple lifestyle changes can benefit the symptoms of clinical depression. Such lifestyle modifications as altering sleeping habits, diet, and a regular exercise routine can have a beneficial effect on mild cases of depression. These changes should be implemented first before proceeding to more intense therapy options since antidepressant medications can have undesirable side effects.
2. Counseling
The depressed patient may be referred to a psychologist, social worker, psychiatrist or other specialist to receive counseling sessions. The current trend is for counseling to be short term, primarily using talk therapy to identify sources of conflict in the depressed persons life. Sometimes just the simple act of talking and sharing feelings can have a pronounced positive impact on depressive symptoms.
3. Medications
Antidepressant medications have become the mainstay of therapy for the depressed person since they've been shown to be effective. Unfortunately, medications don't exert their positive effects immediately. Upon starting an antidepressant medication, most patients will report feeling better after about 3 weeks of treatment with increased energy level, appetite, and a more positive outlook on life. Therapy is usually continued for a period of at least 6 months. If the depressive symptoms recur once medication is discontinued, it may be necessary to take the medication for a prolonged period of time.
Which of the above treatments work best? In most cases, a combination of counseling, medication, and lifestyle changes gives the best results. Lifestyle modifications are essential to prevent the recurrence of symptoms once antidepressant medications are discontinued. Regular sleep habits, daily exercise sessions, and dietary modifications should become standard practice for any patient who suffers from depression.
As you can see, depression can be effectively treated and the depressed person can once again experience a rich and full life.
Many People Suffer From Depression
Just as there are different sizes and shapes of people, there are different types of skin. Usually people that are prone to acne have very sensitive skin. Those that suffer with acne require special care and cleansing of the skin. Therefore, it is important to choose your skin care products knowledgeably so as not to further aggravate your acne.
Despite what you hear that there are three skin types: dry skin, oily skin and combination skin, those that suffer with acne blemishes will tell you that they fall into one category, problematic skin.
People that are prone to acne should choose beauty products specially made for acne. Do not use any beauty products that have added dyes and perfumes, as these ingredients can seriously aggravate your blemishes.
Vitamins like A, C, E and B-complex, and minerals like zinc can improve the condition and overall health of your skin. Therefore, plan you meals rich in these vitamins and minerals to help heal your skin and promote good health.
Foods rich in sulfur such as garlic and onions has been know to help alleviate acne blemishes. Sugar, fried foods, or other foods high in fat content should be avoided. Reducing or better yet, eliminating your intake of carbonated beverages with sugar can help reduce acne blemishes.
In addition to avoiding perfumed beauty products, those that suffer with acne need to pay special attention to the overall cleaning and care of their skin. Below are some tips on what you should be doing and what not to do.
You should:
A.Very gently cleanse your skin with warm water and a mild natural facial cleanser. Cleanse your skin twice a day; dirt, contaminants, and natural skin oils block pores thus a thorough cleansing twice a day.
B.Selecting oil free cosmetics is necessary. Conventional beauty products contain large amounts of fatty acids, which can clog pores
You should not:
A.Contrary to the above, you should not over wash your skin, this mean excessive scrubbing. You cannot scrub the acne away. Extreme scrubbing will worsen acne and causes more blemishes to open up and spread.
B.Although it seems natural to pick, squeeze or pop a pimple, doing so can cause scarring, spreading the blemish, and open the acne up to a bacterial infection. Therefore, keep your fingers away from you face.
C.Smoking. There is nothing good to say about smoking, it is harmful to the body, both interior and exterior.
D.Skin toners are recommended for additional cleaning, if not overused. Unfortunately, they contain alcohol and acetone that is drying and can be damaging to the skin.
E.Despite the fact that some sun exposure may help dry up surface acne blemishes, extended sun exposure can damage the skin and worsen acne in the end.
For those that suffer with acne, they must consider the foods they eat, and the beauty products they purchase in order to reduce outbreaks of acne blemishes. As with any health or skin condition, knowledge plays a vital role in improvement.
Both Kevin Sinclair & David Chandler are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.