Male-pattern baldness develops differently in different men. Men usually lose hair on the front hairline and forehead and on top of the head. Moreover, hair thinning and baldness increase the risk of sunburn and skin cancer on the scalp because there's no enough protection on the scalp. However, there is a men hair loss product available that can counter this but more on that later, first let me tell you what we're dealing with.
Men lose approximately hundred individual hair strands per day, which is considered normal. Usually, these hairs are replaced within the normal hair growth cycle. One has to be cautious when lost hairs are not re-grown or when daily hair loss exceeds hundred hairs.
The main causes for the hair loss in men can be due to the following reasons:
Skin disorders and diseases.
Anemia or low blood count and thyroid irregularity.
Certain disorders of the immune system.
Nutritional deficiencies or side effects of certain medications.
Surgeries, severe illnesses and rapid weight change.
Emotional and physical stress.
Men who take steroids like testosterone to build their bodies.
Bad scalp due to inflammation, itching, and flaking.
Hormonal causes like the high levels of testosterone.
Research shows that about 25% of men begin to bald by the time they are thirty years old, and about two-thirds are either bald or have a balding pattern by age of sixty. The process of balding takes years to occur, and it's true that the longer you wait to stop it, the harder it can be to do.
The Good News
Lost hair will usually grow back once you start using a men hair loss product you like. So, it's advisable not to remain ignorant and to take early medications to prevent the 'male pattern baldness.'
Men Hair Loss Products
There are a couple of treatments that you can consider if you are willing to go to your doctor for help. These treatments may have been something that you had heard of before you even started on the road to needing help with your hair loss issues, and include:
• Minoxidil – This is another name for Rogaine and you can get it over the counter. You might have seen the advertisements for this product on TV, but you should do a little bit of research on it and talk to your doctor before you go out and get this particular medication. This product doesn't necessarily grow back your hair, but it may help with what hair may be left on the head. You will have to keep applying it two times a day for it to really work, and some people have challenges with this daily discipline. You may also get a drug that comes in a higher strength, but it's still pretty expensive.
• Finasteride – This is a lower dose medication than Minoxidil that has serious side effects such as the shrinking of the prostate when taken over time. You may have heard of its other name, Propecia. This is a prescription only medication that is also taken two times a day. This will also help you keep the hair that you have, but will probably not help you to grow much new hair. One major side effect of this drug is impotence, but it's really very uncommon.
There are also some other options that you can pick from that may help with your hair loss issues, these include:
* Herbal treatments - these include Chinese Herbs, Saw Palmetto, Green Tea, Zinc, and Pygeum. There are many different herbs that are on the market today to assist with hair loss, but you really need to pay attention to what you are getting. You should also make sure that you are taking the time to talk to your doctor before you start on any herbal remedy so that you are not having any reactions to the medications that you may already be taking for other problems.
• Hair transplants – these are generally good for people that may not have any hair at all and who are looking to replace hair partially or in total.
• Toupees – This is a hair piece that is put on the head to help hide the instance of baldness. They often times require some kind of tape to help hold it on the head, but are a good non surgical way to look better after hair loss.
• Going Natural – If you have baldness, you may decide that you don't care what people think. Just let it all hang out and look great bald. Hey, Bruce Willis does it and there are plenty of other people that have, so why not you.
There are many options that are available to you to help with your hair loss issues, but you may not even need any. If you are in doubt, then talk to your doctor and find out what they think you need. That way you will be looking good and feeling good at the same time.
Both Timothy Garth & Adrian Richmond are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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