Depression in teenagers could be provoked by a number of factors, which vary from teenager to teenager. Certain momentous situations may result this disease such as death of someone close, separation of parents, shifting in to a new neighborhood and problems in relations, such as breaking up with lovers.
The Factors That Prompts Depression
Other aspects that could result in depression in the adolescent is lack of attention from the loved ones, cases of being abused or bullied in the past, damage to the morale or rapid and subsequent events occurring. Any major event that causes disturbance to a teenager could trigger depression later.
Other factors that facilitate the disease to the adolescents could be any traumatic event that had occurred with the teenager in the past. These cases of any earlier shock, that includes cases of incest or physical abuse, experienced by a teenager often causes distress and severe disturbance in the later life, gradually prompting the disease. Stress existing among the teenagers can be another factor that could be a reason behind mental heath disorders.
This occurs mostly when there is lack of emotional backing for instance the teenager's family. The hormonal change that occurs during the time of puberty is also a factor that provokes the symptoms of irritability and melancholy is highly common. Some medical conditions can also impose the threat of mental disorders. An example of such medical condition is hypothyroidism, which causes hormonal imbalance in the body. Physical ailments over a long period of time can result in depression but these depressions are volatile. Once treated, these medical conditions are cured and the depression associated with it usually goes away. Another very important factor that affects a significant number of adolescents nowadays is substance abuse. Substance abuse has risen dramatically over the last two decades.
Availability of these drugs together with exposure has caused many youngsters to be introduced to them. These drugs can bring about drastic changes in the chemical composition of the brain, leading to addiction, withdrawal seizures and also depression associated with these conditions. Mental disorders are also triggered by allergies to certain types of food such as milk, beef, shrimps or wheat or by dietary deficiencies such as vitamin or amino acid insufficiency.
One of the most shocking facts of the recent times is that an increasing number of teenagers either attempts or commits suicide. In fact suicide has been confirmed to be the third highest factors of the deaths of today's adolescents. Suicidal approaches and attempts could be facilitated by a number of factors, which includes past record of substance abuse or psychiatric disorder in a teenager.
Teenager victims of sexual harassment or physical abuse are prone to commit suicide. Other factors that include are, family history of suicide or psychiatric disorder, loss or abandon of parent or isolation arising from social or status aspects. Teenagers with a history of previous suicidal attempts are highly prone to this syndrome.
Mental Health And Depression
Teen Depression The Cure
The remedies available and which the therapists commonly advice include the Cognitive-behavioral therapy which deals with the patients pessimistic thinking pattern. Group therapy and Family therapy are the solutions that help to break down the patient's isolation, from which many of the teenagers suffer nowadays.
Additionally, it also helps the teenager reunite with his family and express their selves by verbal communication and help release their stress. Other remedies could be introduced to the patients, such as physical exercises and medication. Physical exercises can be very effective in driving away depression. They help to replenish the endorphin and seratonin secretion in the brain, which results in an alteration of temper.
Extra curricular activities such as drama, music, painting can help bring about fruitful results and help shape the emotions of the teenagers. Volunteering can also help teenagers to overcome depression. This allows the adolescents to see other people's problems from a different point of view. So this takes some of their stress off as it gives them a feeling of satisfaction while helping out the people in need.
Mass increase in the number of patients with depression has given rise to different types of medications and hospitals. If some kind of medication has been prescribed for the patients, it should be administered with serious caution and under supervision. If the depressed teen is extremely suicidal, he should be kept under continuous observation, which is only possible if the patient is kept in a hospital.
Apart from these therapies, teenagers could be introduced to special programs such as schools that are especially designed for stress relief. Theses types of institution are ideal for troubled adolescence. These schools serve as rehabilitation centers for the teens and help them learn to cope with their community, build up composure and acquire skills and learn to trust others and work with them.
The school also helps in the improvement of the adolescent's grades and their pessimistic behavior. Whether the options for special schools are worth or not mostly depend upon the teachers and the staffs conducting the schools. At times the staff in charge of the schools might not be trained professionals and might harm the teenagers by misguiding or mistreating them rather than trying to put away their depression.
Parents and guardians of the teenagers are strongly advised to monitor their child's behavior and if any abnormal changes are observed then the particular teenager is advised to be taken to a therapist. Before deciding to go with these therapies it is important to conduct some careful researches on their philosophy and their way of teaching and also the qualification of the staff working within the institution.
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