Nominated for 5 Golden Globes and 7 Academy Awards, including Best Motion Picture of the Year, Million Dollar Baby opened to widespread critical acclaim and excellent audience reviews. Director Clint Eastwood, whose career spans multiple decades in Hollywood, creates perhaps his greatest film to date, and co-stars Morgan Freeman (Shawshank Redemption) and Hilary Swank (Boys Don't Cry) light up the screen with their deft character portrayals and unique charisma. Combining all the inspiration of Rocky with all the drama of a Greek tragedy, Million Dollar Baby is well-deserved of its Best Picture victory (despite the many protests of competing directors who think Eastwood won based on nostalgia for his heralded career and his personal likeability)...
Million Dollar Baby focuses on tough-skinned boxing manager Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood), proprietor of a local training gym who has long been estranged from his lone daughter and seems to have only one friend of note - Eddie "Scrap-Iron" Dupris (Morgan Freeman). Eddie lives in and helps manage the gym, and he was once one of Frankie's fighters. With Big Willie Little (Mike Colter, who once appeared in ER) under Frankie's management, the gym hosts the daily workouts of a legitimate heavyweight title contender. But Frankie's reluctance to move Big Willie along prompts him to switch to a less conservative manager, and Frankie must watch his years of hard work pay off for someone else. Meanwhile, 30-something Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) has scraped together the pennies and nickels necessary to train at the gym on a daily basis. Despite Frankie's advice to quit making a fool of herself, she borrows equipment from Eddie and works out until all hours of the night…
With Big Willie out of the picture, Frankie finally confronts Maggie and agrees to train her. Over time, the two develop a close relationship akin to father/daughter. Maggie rises in the ranks of the female circuit until she reaches the title fight where a cheap sucker punch leads to tragic consequences… With emotional depth and colorful characters, Million Dollar Baby brings one of the most controversial issues of modern society into the forefront for an up-close-and-personal glimpse of the conflict and struggle experienced by trauma victims and their loved ones. Hilary Swank's Oscar winning performance is on full display, and Morgan Freeman is his usual mesmerizing presence…
In the end, Million Dollar Baby beat out a number of excellent films in order to claim the Oscar for Best Picture - Finding Neverland, Ray, Sideways, and The Aviator (which prompted director Martin Scorsese to flee the awards ceremony in a huff). A case could be made for each of these fine films, but needless to say, Million Dollar Baby's victory is highly indicative of the film's enduring value. Each of the main characters comes across as likeable, the relationships as believable, and the storyline as inspirational and stirring. Million Dollar Baby is one of those rare films that stays in your head for hours on end long after you've walked out of the theater. Its subject matter is serious fodder for debate, and few viewers will fail to develop a strong emotional connection to Eastwood, Swank, and Freeman as they spring to life on the big screen. Quite simply, Million Dollar Baby is one of the best films of the decade and one you won't want to miss…
Million Dollar Baby Soundtrack
India’s real estate industry has made impressive strides in becoming a more transparent sector over the last two years. Along with other countries like Brazil and Japan, India, has reported significant improvements on a few standardised parameters,
moving up from the low transparency markets in 2004 to the semi-transparent markets list in 2006.
According to the latest edition of the Jones Lang LaSalle’s (JLL) Real Estate Transparency Index (RETI), a biennial survey and the only index that tracks transparency in commercial real estate across 56-markets worldwide, it attributed heightened cross-border investment interests and better business environment as the main factors behind the change. This could spur potential multi-billion dollar investments in the coming months.
JLL’s index slots world markets into five tiers: opaque, low-transparency, semi-transparent, transparent and high-transparency.
Its methodology addresses five categories of transparency, which are investment performance indices, availability of market fundamentals data, listed vehicles financial, regulatory and legal factors and professional standards and transaction process.
Manisha Grover, Head, Strategic Consulting & Research, JLL India believes many domestic real estate companies are beginning to understand transparency, since they need to scale up in a growing market, and they need equity to do that.
Notwithstanding some execution flaws, India’s legal-regulatory framework, professional standards and transaction process should count among the positives, while the main transparency concerns centre on availability of fundamental data on demand-supply situation, for instance.
The RETI allows MNC occupiers with comparison costs of occupation and better structuring of commitments and exit routes.
The index helps guiding risk premium assessment in the case of investors.India figured among the top 10-improved markets jumping one full tier, and is currently placed ahead of China. This augurs well for investments i.e. fairly committed ones estimated at around $4-billion at present, waiting to pour into the domestic real estate business, as 9-11% yields from emerging markets like India are far better compared to 4-6% from stable and high transparency markets like Hong Kong or the USA.
Ms. Grover says India is expected to do even better in JLL’s next edition to be published two years from now, as by then it will have more companies listed, which will help in matters like financial disclosures and corporate governance.
To put the investment possibilities in perspective, cross border real estate investments in Asia-Pacific region in last year was pegged at $65-billion, with India hardly figuring in the action.
While, China might still pip India in attracting regional investment flows, such as, capital migrating from Hong Kong to mainland
China, a more transparent domestic real estate market will place it better in swinging investments from USA and Europe.
Both Britt Gillette & Property Vertical are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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