It's just as easy to have negative thoughts as it to have positive ones. That simplistic statement was coined by a great professional boxer named Sugar Ray Robinson. While the statement may seem obvious and over simplified, the truth is that many people find positive thinking to be a difficult chore.
Filling the mind with negative thoughts is similar to a disease. Those thoughts eat away at the mind and the happiness in life and they gain more and more strength the longer they are in the mind. For people who choose to think negatively instead of positively, it becomes almost second nature to find themselves in the midst of horrid situations. The realities of life become so ingrained in negative thought that they often find themselves lost to the world of happiness.
According to the millions of self-help books on the market today, negative thinking creates a negative energy that almost beings to control one's life. On the other hand, practicing a more positive mind set can almost evoke positive feelings and thoughts thus changing the path of life. For those who are looking for the best ways to improve overall life happiness, positive thinking is at the heart of this goal.
Positive thinking is easy once you allow yourself to let go of the fear that holds you back. Yes, fear is what keeps negative thinkers from expecting the best. To expect the best means that you could potentially be let down and disappointed. However, it also gives you a better chance of succeeding. If you expect not to receive a call back from the interview for your dream job, then you will be less disappointed when you do not receive that call. However, on the other hand, if you have the confidence that you are qualified forthe job and do expect that call back, your potential employer may see that determination and decide you are exactly the person they are looking for to fulfill the position. The fear of failure keeps you from the things you want most while finding the courage to believe in the best may actually bring about the best.
Along these same lines, remaining positive in the face of defeat is another aspect of living the positive lifestyle. Everyone fails, everyone stops short of full achievement at some point in their lives, this is the heart of drive. Without those defeats, the successes who fall short and be worth less and less to us over time.
A key step to positive thinking is to give thanks for the things already in your life. Take a moment to try this exercise. Sit down with a pen and paper and write at the top of the page, "I am thankful for" and begin listing all the things (no matter how small) for which you are grateful. You list may include: my house, my health, my mother, my son/daughter, my child's sense of humor, my pets, my friends, my intelligence, my car, etc. It does not have to mean that you have a mansion, but you are thankful because at least you have a house. Part of the trick is to even be thankful for the things that are not going the way you wish when you can see how they could be much worse. If you take the time to list every minor detail, you will get tired of writing before you run out of things to write. Another trick is to give thanks for the things that have yet to enter your life. "I am thankful for my dream job as a"
Also, try transferring the energy you spend dreading the inevitable into something more positive. Instead of spending energy on complaining about the fact that you are about to be laid off from the job you hated anyway, put that energy into figuring out how to use this time to create the job you always wanted. We have the power to design our own lives; or if you believe in fate then believe that what has happened has happened for a reason and you only have to look for the positive opportunity that fate is providing.
The next time you have to urge to say something will not happen, swallow that fear and negative expectation then allow yourself to hope that it will happen. You will find that believing in yourself is the key to a more fulfilling life. Increased productivity on the job, a more satisfying relationship, a larger raise or a coveted promotion, a more gratifying social lifeall of these are possible through positive thinking.
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