It is a good idea to make a myspace profile for your business or organization in order to add another degree of personalization to your company. If you have a list of subscribers you can tell them to go check out your myspace website and add you as a friend. I have seen countless of movies know adding myspace profiles about the actors in the movies in order to help generate awareness about the movie and you can do the same. Your myspace profile can be like a fan site for you and your company. Once you set up your myspace profile which was explained earlier (not a hard process) you can edit the look and feel of your myspace profile by using html or CSS.
A lot of the profiles look dull and are not enticing. You can hire a graphic designer to take care of the myspace layout for you if you're not good at graphics like me. There are some sources you can go to get free templates for your myspace website, check this out:
I would also suggest getting a FaceBook profile as well just the fact that Facebook is second in line in competition. More registered Myspace users are converting each day to FaceBook to escape all the deadly un readable captcha codes.
FaceBook Marketing is very very simuluar to MySpace marketing. You just have to get use to the new web site look and features to totally understand how it will be done.
I would suggest Friend Requesting to build up a big targeted list. I would not hide who you are. If you are a Business then place your business information in the profile, If you are a Band then place your band and music information in the profile. That is what most hate now days is people that lie. which is also called as SPAM. Nobody likes spam at all.
To automate the process of Facebook marketing you will need a Facebook Tool that will save you ton of hours. I currently use FaceBot Pro at They seem to have it all together and know what they are doing. Top leading Facebook application on the net right now.
Now lets get back on Myspace topic.
Having a unique myspace website and adding interesting and useful content will stand you apart from the millions of users. Make sure to sprinkle your niche keywords throughout your myspace profile to help increase your search engine ranking both in the major search engines such as Google and in the myspace search engines.
You can also use myspace to size up the competition and see what other people in your niche are doing, and this can be accomplished by using the myspace search engine. You can also consider using this method to search for friends in your niche. If your niche market is ?fishing? then the syntax that you will type into Google is: fishing
Google returns 122,000 results. Not bad. However, be careful because all of these profiles do not necessary have anything to do with this particular keyword. I have clicked on some profiles and have found that some of them could just be stage names of bands or such so make sure to check and read their profile to discover their interests and hobbies before adding them as a friend. If they have interests in your particular niche then send out an invitation as a friend. Sometimes they will accept you sometimes they won't so don't take it personally if they don't.
Talk to them and make some ?real? friends, if you have to pick up the book ?how to win friends and influence people? this is a very appropriate network to apply these techniques in, it's a social network. People are more likely to purchase from you if they now you so try and build up some rapport on this network. Tell them who you are and what your goals are and how they can help. Believe it or not, people are generally good by nature and if you try telling them where you need help they will most likely try to help you out. It could be as simple as adding your banner to their myspace profile, but the main thing marketers forget is to build friendship that is what this network is about, not marketing. Of course if you have a myspace profile of one million friends then this will be very hard to accomplish so you can take one of two routes:
# One, you can try to maintain a small but royal network of friends.
# Two, you can get a large network of friends but it will most likely be a network of people that you don't know and also untargeted.
Each one has its pros and cons so it's truly up to you. As again, having a lot of friends could mean the conversion ratio will be really low, or less they are targeted but there again, myspace browsers are not really huge spenders so if you're selling something make sure that it is something your niche can afford. If your marketing to teenagers then you shouldn't be marketing a very expensive product, but if it is trendy it will do good. Another problem with teenagers is that they tend to fluctuate their opinions a lot, so they may purchase something one season and the next season turn around and declare they hate it, weird but is very true.
Christmas Gift Ideas For Teenagers There are many community non profit organizations that need a lot of extra help this time of year. Consider volunteering at a homeless shelter or a retirement community