Dog's basic nutrition is almost the same as the human nutrition; our pets need fats, carbohydrates and protein too, but in other ratios and prepared differently.
People can chose to feed their pets with raw food or special dog food in stores. There is a big controversy between some groups of pets about the way we should feed our animals regarding raw food and commercialized food; some believe that raw food has been used for centuries and it's better for animals while others think that using special dog food assures the optimal nutrition.
Dog treats which are found in stores are usually biscuits made with meat products, milk and wheat but they also contain more fats than normal dog food. Think about dog treats like fast food or chips for humans.
In the last years commercialized dog food including dog treats was found to be poisonous for most dogs. Some of the ingredients contained by dog treats which are known to cause problems are: wheat gluten, onion and garlic products, dairy products in large quantities, large quantities of liver, salt, chocolate etc. These products can cause: diarrhea, kidney failure, heart diseases, obesity, etc.
If you aren't sure of the dog treats you buy, you can try making some in your home, there are a lot of recipes on the internet and in special pet magazines. All you have to do is to make sure you avoid the products listed above and others which you know that affect your pet.
Other important nutrients which must be assured daily are vitamins. If you feed your dog raw food you might find it hard to calculate if he gets enough vitamins so you might need some supplements; there are a lot of brands which commercialize products that assure the daily vitamin need. If you feed your dog with commercialized dog food, you will know that the daily dose written on the package contains the vitamins your little buddy needs.
Some dog treats contain vitamins too but they are also very tasty for your dog so be careful! If you feed your dog too many dog treats you should cut down the food you give them in meals to avoid obesity and digestion problems. If you bake your dog treats at home try to calculate the amount of nutrients; you can find a lot of nutrient lists on the internet and calculate the optimum amount of food for your dog.
No Grain Dog Treats
Dog treats are a great way to not only train your dog but show him your appreciation every time he does something correctly. Dog treats are in the basis of the reward training and that is why it is worthed for you to try some of the techniques below.
Teach your dog to come when asked to.
Teaching your dog to come to you when you call him is one of the first things he should master. This is not only convenient for you but important for the dog as it could save his life in some situations.
Teaching a dog to come is not a problem in general. Most dogs like to belong and that is why it is likely that they would react to the voice of their master and naturally come to him. However this has nothing to do with the real obedience that is required of your dog. Imagine you are outside and there are many thins that distract the animal are you sure your dog will come to you when you ask him to?
You can easily teach your dog to come to you if you create a positive attitude toward the command. You can start with a leash pull it gently and say the command. Eventually your dog will understand what you want. When he comes - give him the reward. This is how you will show your dog that he did the correct thing. You will notice that after a few lessons you will not need the leash any longer.
Teach our dog to sit.
Teaching your dog to come when you want him to is the easiest part of any dog's obedience training. The next step is to teach him to sit upon command. Although it seems to be a useless command having a dog that sits and stays calm upon a c command is a real pleasure and very beneficial in certain cases.
Dog treats can help you master this as well. Ask your dog to come. Say the new command "Sit", and gently push his bottom towards the ground. Your dog will sit because of the pressure you are applying to his back. When he does - give him the reward. Do the same a couple more times and than make a break. Later on you van try again. You will notice that after a few lessons your dog will learn what your command means and listen to it.
Another popular dog treat technique for teaching your dog to sit is to hold the reward above his nose and say the command. Your dog will sit because this is the only way to reach th reward. Because you are pronouncing the command meanwhile he will associate the movement with the command.
There are many more things you can teach your dog using dog treats. However remember dog treats are meant to be "luxurious" for your puppy. Do not give them very often and never use them instead of food otherwise your dog will not be so found of getting the reward.
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