The overall condition of our body is reflected by appearance of our hair. If the body is healthy and well-nourished, the hair will be shining glory. If there are any health problems or nutritional deficiencies, the hair may stop growing or show damage or become brittle. Daily intake of vitamins and minerals play a huge role in keeping the hair healthy. Certain vitamins, minerals and amino-acids are crucial to the metabolic pathways involved in keratin protein (hair) metabolism.
Moringa leaves obtained from Moringa oleifera tree, as a supplement provide 17 times the calcium in milk, 15 times the potassium in banana, 4 times the Vitamin A in carrot, 25 times the iron in spinach and half time the Vitamin C content in orange. The nutrients present in Moringa are of high biological value as it is easily absorbed by the body compare to synthetic supplements.
Hair growth requires optimal delivery of oxygen and nutrients from the circulatory system to the hair follicle. Vitamin A is a key component for developing healthy cells, tissues in the body, and reducing hair loss. Additionally it works with silica and zinc to prevent drying and clogging of the sebaceous glands, the glands vital to producing sebum. Vitamin A deficiencies commonly cause thickening of the scalp, dry hair, and dandruff. Moringa with its high vitamin A content helps in the hair growth and maintenance. Zinc stimulates hair growth by enhancing immune function. Zinc deficiency will result in atrophy of the hair follicles as there is a marked impairment of DNA and protein synthesis where zinc influences the confirmation of nucleic acids.
Hair loss occurs when the diet is inadequate in the B vitamins - especially B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that stimulates the scalp by increasing blood circulation. An increase in blood circulation makes more nutrients available to the hair follicles so they can grow stronger, healthier hair. Vitamin C aids in improving scalp circulation. It is important to maintain capillaries that carry blood to the follicles. Moringa contains these nutrients needed for the healthy hair.
Moringa has Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. The list of Minerals present in Moringa is abundant and few of the main minerals include Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc. Research has shown that in our hurry up world of fast food, and extreme work schedules we have developed extraordinarily poor eating habits. This extremely poor diet affecting our general health and energy levels and makes our fingernails weaker and our hair thinner and far less healthier.
Moringa contains 90+ nutrients and 46 antioxidants. It contains almost all the necessary vitamin, micro and macro minerals for the cell function. Moringa capsules are made using the pure Moringa Leaf Powder. Grenera Nutrients is an integrated Moringa company that takes care of every thing from planting the Moringa trees to selling value added Moringa products under its flagship brand Yelixir. Yelixir Moringa capsules and Moringa powder can be purchased online from their website . You can also visit
Oil For Healthy Hair
Most people, especially women, define and shape their identity primarily through their hair style. As the crowning glory of a woman, the hair is considered by many as a significant symbol or extension of their personality and style. No wonder, so many women take extra lengths to maintain the health and good appearance of their locks.
Human hair is subjected to a number of pollutants, irritants, and other sources of potential damage. The most common causes of hair damage include harsh chemicals found in hair styling products, straightening or waving treatments, hair dyes, and even overexposure to the sun. If this continues, hair that was once radiant would eventually look brittle and frizzy.
Zoe Draelos, a noted dermatologist, said that people need to understand that hair is actually non-living material that cannot be repaired once it is damaged. Draelos added that hair growth slows down as we get older, and the cosmetic beauty of our hair decreases. Hair loss that occurs from continual breakage over the years is a serious concern for many women, so the key is to prevent damage by stopping the cycle of over processing or over grooming the hair while selecting hair care products.
While the hair is at its healthiest in our 20s, Dr. Draelos noted that some young women fall for fad diets at this age which can ruin the hair. Some of these hair care fads make use of chemicals that deplete the hair of essential vitamins and minerals that come from the food we eat.
Adding to this, Dr. Draelos said that hair appearance is a sign of our general health. If a person has an eating disorder or has an imbalanced diet, it would surely show from the way their hair looks like. Some women in their 20s and 30s also experience changes in hair quality and appearance due to their use of birth control pills. Dr. Draelos explained that when estrogen levels fall during this process, hair will also fall out. According to Dr. Draelos, when a woman notices her hair falling out, the use of birth control pills would not usually come under suspicion. Most women do not suspect anything wrong with shedding hair since it is quite normal to lose a number of strands at any given day. Only when a sizeable amount of hair is lost would a woman start to feel uneasy.
For women in their 30s, pregnancy becomes another reason why women lose their hair. During pregnancy, all hair follicles usually experience re-generation, resulting in luxurious, radiant-looking hair. However, six months after delivery, the new mother would most likely loose hair again. Some of the hair that is shed post-pregnancy may eventually re-grow, said Dr. Draelos. However, for women who have female-pattern hair loss, hair may no longer return. Those women who have an inherited tendency towards hair loss should seek professional help.
Although hair dyes are popular for women of all ages, women in their 40s may be more likely to turn to hair color as a way to camouflage gray hair that typically starts to appear at this age. Dr. Draelos said that once the hair has been dyed chemically, it strips the protective lipid layer of the hair shaft and opens up holes in the hair shaft, allowing the dye to enter and create a new color. Adding also that hair dyeing is damaging, but lightening hair for more than three shades require more peroxide, which creates more holes in the hair shaft and therefore more damage. The best thing for covering gray hair is to stay on shade, within three colors of her natural color. Dr. Draelos advises women in their 50s to shorten the amount of time they leave on styling products such as hair dyes or permanent wave solutions because thinner hair shafts require less time to process. Dr. Draelos recommended that older women use a good conditioner, and also advised women to handle their hair as little as possible, including avoiding over-brushing hair.
Both Avon & Cristel Lumabas are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Avon has sinced written about articles on various topics from Aging, Health and Wellness. Moringa is 100% pure natural supplement for the healthy life. It contains 90+ nutrients and 46 antioxidants, keeps our body fit.. Avon's top article generates over 14800 views. Bookmark Avon to your Favourites.
Cristel Lumabas has sinced written about articles on various topics from Birth Control, Health and Birth Control. Cristel Lumabas, who wrote this article, is a well known writer on Health and Fitness who is an active advocate on the Awareness of Health Consciousness.Did you find this article helpful and interesting? Know more and visit us at. Cristel Lumabas's top article generates over 6600 views. Bookmark Cristel Lumabas to your Favourites.
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