Realism artwork, or any artwork such as spiderman artwork, samurai artwork, phoenix artwork, Christian artwork, etc?can be sold on over 30,000 websites at just a click of the mouse. There is nothing that compares to online art galleries because not only are you showing your art to the whole world to buy, it is much cheaper and cost effective then displaying your art at a local art gallery. Think about it for a second, the art you create can possibly be more appealing to someone in Germany than in the United States. People's taste in art differentiates across the entire world. Selling at a local art gallery will only allow local people to see your art. A lot of people are influenced by culture and societal values when making a decision to buy a piece of artwork.
Here is how most online art galleries work.
1. Create an account and log in.
2. Type in the name of the artist or price range. You will be able to see an online gallery of art from many artist around the world which can consist of an online catalogue, portfolio, art show, etc.
3. Study the pictures. People have ratings and comments on each picture as well so you can see what they are being rated by other buyers so you can get a feel on how valuable a piece of artwork is.
Now you can easily set-up your own online art gallery instead of using someone else's. It definitely beats renting or buying concrete spaces to display your art. Artists or art sellers can create web pages through a subscription from a site provider. You basically select your design template, colors, background, text etc?based on your preferences. You can add images, links, categories, prices, comments, genres, dimensions, etc? to make your site more appealing.
Once you have this down, the money will start flowing in because it is all pure profit from now. You can buy artwork at wholesale costs without incurring a middleman (local art gallery) which marks up any art they sell. This is the only way they make their money so you can't blame them. Buying from a local art gallery you will find yourself often times than not getting ripped off. Buying from emerging artists is the way to go. Study the art industry as much as you can. Knowledge is power and discovering the next emerging artists and buying their artwork for a low costs and holding onto it for a few months to a year is definitely the way to go. Investing in an emerging artist's piece of artwork will be the absolute best thing that you could ever do. Many people today are discovering art as an investment opportunity and it is best to get into this market when it isn't saturated. In whatever you decide to do and however you decide to sell your artwork, I wish you the best of luck. There is no better feeling than making a huge profit on your hard work!
Online Fine Art Gallery
Web traffic matters a lot in online artwork selling, but not completely. What matters is a combination of targeted good traffic looking for artworks. For an example, if a person is willing to buy a digital camera, then what are the chances of his buying an oil painting? Of course very less! But, in the case of a visitor looking for home decoration items is more likely to buy that oil painting. There are lots of methods to attract more targeted traffic to online gallery. Some of them are listed below to assist artists:
1. Artwork Promotion:
There is no replacement for artwork promotion. This brings your artwork more viewers. The more the viewers, the more the chances for sell. Promotion is like advertisement and for which you may have to pay little amount but it worth. This helps you in many ways. Some of them are:
a. Increases exposure
b. Reaches to targeted viewers
c. Increases probability of sell.
A targeted traffic to your art gallery will boost the visibility and increase the chances of sell.
2. Submit good quality & multiple pictures
Many artists submit ordinary quality picture of their artworks. Art lovers see the artwork very minutely and hence it is suggested to give them a reason to buy, by providing high resolution pictures. Ordinary quality pictures hide brush strokes which art lovers may look for. Remember, high resolution pictures take more space and many website may not allow uploading of such high size picture. There are many photo editing softwares available in the market and some of the trial versions are also available on internet. In cases, artists are not comfortable with photo editing on computers then does editing work on behalf of registered artists absolutely for free. All an artist needs to do is to e-mail the pictures to
If this is a craftwork or sculpture then, try to submit more than one picture taken from different angles. The purpose is to provide a 3-D view of artwork. Just take an example, keep yourself in buyer's place. Now, you are searching online for some good craftwork or sculpture for your home, office, hotel, restaurants whatever it may be. You have shorted out two good craftworks and you have to finalize one. One craft is shown in single picture and other one is given three images taken from different angles and giving you full 3-D visuals. Now, which craftworks you will likely to buy? Of course the second craftwork has got more probability. The same way, multiple pictures help buyers to visualize the craftwork and chances for sell goes up.
3. Provide an attracting title:
i. Artists know their artworks more than anybody else and hence provide attracting titles to your artworks. The title is the second most important factor after the artwork, where an art buyer or collector looks at.
ii. Every artwork is created in different moods and a good title helps an art buyer or collector understand your idea. The title or theme is one of the most important factors which differs your Artwork from a Product.
4. Provide a little write-up about your artwork:
People who love art are more likely to read or listen a little about your concepts. It is suggested to provide a short description of your each artwork. Also, providing small details of previous exhibitions, responses, media attentions etc helps a lot. There is nothing to loose by providing short write-ups but definitely adds value to your artwork. Remember, the visitors visiting your gallery are interested more on the artwork and less on the write up and hence avoid long write-ups. If the exhibition is in an Art Gallery (Not online) then, ensure for a suitable font size of write up so that it can be read easily.
5. Money back guarantee:
Artworks are priceless. Money back guarantee encourages people to buy your art. This also reflects the authenticity of artwork and develops a trust in you and attracts more viewers/visitors to your artworks.
6. Encourage queries:
Encourage visitors to send their queries to you. The faster you resolve their queries more the chances to win the sell.
7. Do not replace the sold artwork from your online gallery unless there are some restrictions. Keeping some of the sold artworks in your gallery adds value to your other artworks and generated interest and trust in buyers.
There are other methods also to attract more targeted traffic to online art gallery.
Both Richard Smith I & Shandilya Ajay Singh are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Richard Smith I has sinced written about articles on various topics from Perfumes, Guide to Artwork and Make Money Online. EmergingArtists is an on-line Art Gallery Of Original works of Contemporary Art. Learn more about realism artwork and how to sell at an online art gallery via. Richard Smith I's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Richard Smith I to your Favourites.
Shandilya Ajay Singh has sinced written about articles on various topics from Guide to Artwork. This article is submitted by a volunteer working for Disclaimer: Successful art selling depends on many other factors also and hence there is no guarantee for sell. Readers may or may not agree on the content of the article s. Shandilya Ajay Singh's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Shandilya Ajay Singh to your Favourites.