Are you planning to present a cross stitched item made by you as a gift for your friend's birthday or as a Christmas present for your grandmother? It is an excellent and very innovative idea and you will be thanked for giving them such unique gifts. Cross stitch is very easy and if you are a beginner then also it is hassle free. You can start with simple designs and migrate to complicated ones once you are accustomed with the process. There are some important necessities like the cross stitch materials that you need for your creation.
The most favored fabric for cross stitch is the Aida. It is made of cotton and has large pores. So this is a very good material to work on if you are a novice or if your eyesight is not good. You can use some other cross stitch materials also such as linen which give very good effects. It is better that you first try out your handiwork on inexpensive fabrics. Make sure to use an embroidery hoop which helps in keeping your fabric taut and facilitates easy stitching This also ensures no oil staining problems on your fabric and prevents your hands from becoming moist. Leave a gap of 3-4 inches on each side of the design.
Tapestry needles are best suited for your cross stitching purposes and one of the most essential cross stitch materials The blunt end and the large eye of the needle prevents damage to the fabric. Select the right sized needles that can pass through the holes in the fabric effortlessly without enlarging them or distorting the fabric. Also never leave your needles on the fabric as it could leave a stain.
Use single strands of embroidery floss when you are using 2 threads for stitching. If you are uncertain about the color fastness of the floss make sure that you wash them before you use them. Immerse the individual skeins separately in distilled water. If the color of the embroidery floss bleeds when you move it in water remove the skein and use the same procedure with fresh water till the color stops running. Remove and dry it.
Frames and Hoops
Embroidery frames and hoops are good options among cross stitch materials to mount your fabric onto so that it is easy to handle and the stitches are smooth. Select a frame that envelops your entire design without you having to fold the fabric or bend it. If you use white bias tape on the outer ring of the hoop this will hold the fabric in place and prevent it from staining as well. Using a tissue paper between your fabric and the wooden hoop also helps to prevent your fabrics from getting stained by the wooden hoops.
Always use a sharp pair of embroidery scissors for cutting the threads neatly.
Picture To Cross Stitch
Looking for a hobby that can help you make more friends? You may be surprised that you can make many friends through cross stitch. Most people don't realize they can make new cross stitch friends quite easily, but they can if they'll just make the effort. What's also nice about meeting friends who enjoy cross stitch is that you'll not only have a great time, you'll also get to stitch some great patterns as well.
First, you can investigate whether there is a local stitching club. The best way to find this information is to ask at your local craft or needlework store. Many stores hold courses and club meetings on-site, and they are the best places to advertise clubs. If there is no local club, then consider starting one yourself!
Starting your own cross stitch club isn't as difficult as it may seem. The secret is planning. You need to think through what will be involved before you advertise your club. For instance, where will your club meet? You need a location where people can sit comfortably and stitch. That means you'll need chairs and excellent lighting. You'll also need a place for all these people to park their vehicles. Be certain to decide in advance if your club will only be for cross stitch fans or if people who enjoy other crafts can join as well. Finally, you'll need to pick a time for your club to meet.
You'll also have to think about the subscription rate, the aims of the club and any specific rules for members. It may be a good idea to discuss initial plans with your first members so that your club can be fine-tuned to meet most people's needs. Don't forget that cross stitch uses your hands and your eyes -- so you can chat and listen at the same time.
If the thought of organizing a club seems a bit ambitious, then why not ask some friends and acquaintances round for an evening and suggest some stitching together. You can even show a newbie how it's done. Before long, you may end up with a regular club -- so much more sociable than just meeting up to drink and eat.
So much for the locals... Let's move on to making new cross stitch friends elsewhere.
The most obvious way to cast the net of friendship is to seek out penpals. There are many stitching websites that have a penpal section, and many popular magazines contain find-a-penpal pages. This is wonderful way of making cross stitch friends from all over the world, and you may have the opportunity of exchanging small projects if you so wish. It's often helpful to discuss your stitching projects -- you can motivate each other to finish those tricky pieces you've been putting off.
In addition to cross stitch sites, you can find penpal sites on the internet as well. When you visit these sites, do a little research to make certain they are legitimate. As always, guard your personal information when you're online. Don't give out your address or your phone number. The penpals, and the penpal site, don't need this information. Supplying your email address is more than enough to start a penpal email conversation.
Many people prefer to chat with their penpal using email rather than snail mail. When you email, you tend to get a quicker response. This makes it simpler to keep in touch. Also, some people don't like writing letters, although they do enjoy writing emails. If, however, you and your penpal enjoy writing letters, then you'll be in for a treat sometimes when you visit your mailbox. In addition to letters, you and your penpal also can exchange little gifts for added fun.
Beyond penpal sites, e-groups for cross stitch enthusiasts exist as well. The way these groups work is that people sign up who share an interest. The groups chat about the subject, in this case cross stitch. Members also talk about their lives, and many friendships are formed. Yahoo has a group called XStitchpals. In this e-group, people send each other little cards that they've cross stitched each month. The cards have a theme, so it really makes it fun. You may find you quickly form many friendships on an e-group such as this.
As you can see, several options exist when it comes to finding cross stitch friends. With just a little effort, you quickly can have several friends who share your passion for cross stitch. And hey, a great place to get started on your search is right here in the forums at Patterns Patch cross stitch club.
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