Even more than elephant ivory, mammoth ivory is exclusive, rare and beautiful due to its limited supply. Owning an exclusively hand crafted mammoth ivory figurine is an experience of a lifetime. Mammoth ivory figurines are available as pure ivory figurines and even with inlay of gold, silver and other precious gems.
About 20,000 years ago, Woolly mammoth roamed the earth as naturally as elephants today. Contemporary of early man, these mammoths were giants compared to today's elephants with heavy hairy fur and very huge ivory tusks. Due to environmental changes they became extinct eons ago. However, the carcasses are still found in the arctic regions bordering Siberia even today. Some of the mammoth ivory tusks found have been known to be more than 16 feet in length! Mammoth ivory figurines have been known to be carved and some of the archeological finds have resulted in mammoth ivory figurines dated back to 35,000 years ago. However, those are owned by the state and kept in museums but you can own a mammoth ivory figurine for your personal pleasure.
Mammoth ivory tusks that have been found in the arctic regions, bordering the Siberian regions are completely preserved, thanks to the cold weather. With large caches of fossilized woolly mammoth still available, harvesting of the mammoth ivory still takes place, although at very expensive rates. Even more than elephant ivory, mammoth ivory is exclusive, rare and beautiful due to its limited supply. Owning an exclusively hand crafted mammoth ivory figurine is an experience of a lifetime. The sculptors who still remain steadfast to this elite craftsman trade are few and highly experienced as the art has been carried forward generation to generation. With the ban on elephant ivory figurines and limited supply of mammoth ivory for commercial purposes, the art is going to fade away of change course with the dearth of ivory.
There are many stores that sell mammoth ivory figurines both online and in stores near your place. You actually have to see mammoth ivory figurines to really believe the depth of creativity that a human mind can recreate in ivory.
Detailed, exquisite and amazingly life like, mammoth ivory sculptures are a unique blend of art, experience and historic amalgamation, created for art lovers like you!
Mammoth ivory figurines are available as pure ivory figurines and even with inlay of gold, silver and other precious gems. Mammoth ivory is also being used in artistic designed jewelry, curios, carved tusks, netsuke and many other decorative items. These are available in different sizes to suit your pocket, so why don't you try owning a piece of history for yourself?
Piece Of History Pin
The pin tumbler lock is a lock mechanism that uses pins that varying in length to keep the lock from being opened without the matching key. Pin tumblers are used in cylinder locks, butthey can also be used in tubular or radial locks.
The basics of the pin tumbler lock goes back to 2000 BC in Egypt. the lock consisted of a wooden post affixed to the door, and a horizontal bolt that slid into the post. The bolt had north to south openings into which fitted a set of pins. These could be lifted, using a key, to a sufficient height to allow the bolt to move and unlock the door.
Inventor Linus Yale, Sr. patented a pin tumbler lock in 1848, a designthat was improved and patented by his son, Linus Yale, Jr. He did this in 1861 Yale, Jr.'s is the same design used in pin tumbler locks today.
The pin tumbler is most commonly used in cylinder locks but is used in other applications also. In this type of lock, an outer casing has a cylindrical hole in which the plug is housed. To open the lock, the plug must rotate.
The plug has a straight shaped slot known as the keyway at one end to allow the key to enter the plug; the other end may have a cam or lever which activates a mechanism to retract a locking bolt. The keyway often has protruding ledges which serve to prevent the key pins from falling into the plug, and to make the lock more resistant to picking. A series of holes, typically five or six of them, are drilled vertically into the plug. These holes contain key pins of various lengths, which are rounded to permit the key to slide over them easily.
Above each key pin is a corresponding set of driver pins, which are spring-loaded. Simpler locks have only one driver pin for each key pin, but locks requiring multi keyed entry, such as a group of locks having a master key, may have extra driver pins known as spacer pins. The outer casing has several vertical shafts, which hold the spring loaded pins.
Locksmithing this type of lock is a basic part of locksmith training and is one of the most common types of locks worked on by locksmiths on a daily basis.
When the plug and outer casing are assembled, the pins are pushed down into the plug by the springs. The point where the plug and cylinder meet is called the shear point. With a key properly cut and inserted into the groove on the end of the plug, the pins will rise causing them to align exactly at the shear point. This allows the plug to rotate, thus opening the lock. When the key is not in the lock, the pins straddle the shear point, preventing the plug from rotating. Sets of locks with a master key will have one set of shear points that are identical to the others in the set and one set that is unique to that specific lock.
This is one of the simple locks and one that provides adequate security for the average consumer
Both Sagiv Shats & Jim Corkern are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Sagiv Shats has sinced written about articles on various topics from Arts, Education and Arts. Anita Satin Choudhary writes for Ivory and Art Gallery. Browse the gallery for unique collection of artifacts ranging from mammoth ivory to. Sagiv Shats's top article generates over 1000 views. Bookmark Sagiv Shats to your Favourites.
Jim Corkern has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home, Health and Guide Guitar. Jim Corkern is a respected writer and promoter of modern locksmith and writes for several new york locksmith and chicago locksm. Jim Corkern's top article generates over 823000 views. Bookmark Jim Corkern to your Favourites.