Hormones are an important part of the internal processes of the human body. They serve a variety of vital functions throughout the body. For a clearer definition hormones are chemicals that come from the cells and have direct effect on all the areas in the body. It can be considered a type of messenger that is responsible for the direct transportation of signals from cell to cell. There are hormones constantly controlling the body and people do not realize everything that is constantly going on to keep the body working correctly.
The human growth hormone (HGH) is one of these important hormones that directly contribute to the function of the body. It is often considered a core or master hormone. It takes care of several essential functions in the body. It controls many of the functions related to growth. Vitality, energy, endurance, muscle growth and overall bone density are all important things controlled by this hormone. HGH is produced by abundance in the pituitary gland located in the brain. HGH is a very complex hormones and it is made up of a variety of different amino acids. HGH is very essential to the healthy and successful maturity of the body. HGH production starts from birth and continues for the remainder of life but it generally decreases as the body reaches full maturity.
Many people do not know that this main growth hormone reaches its maximum production during adolescence. This makes sense because many people refer to adolescence as the growing years. This is true because kids begin to develop physically much faster during this period. The production of HGH is highly stimulated in order to help kids grow a healthy and complete body structure. Bones and muscles are just a few of the things that are highly stimulated for growth during this time period. However growth of bones is just one part of the importance of HGH. It is also crucial to the growth and repair of body tissue as well as brain function. This repair of the body's tissue is crucial for the healing process in the body. The body is constantly losing and replacing tissue. This continuous circle of repair is what allows the body to continue to function properly and at full capacity. HGH also helps to increase lean muscle mass and break down fat.
HGH does decrease as individuals get older. Individuals stop getting taller and their bones and muscles reach full maturity at latest around 23. Weight gain, decreased energy and endurance can creep their way in as HGH levels go down. As more people have become more interested in HGH several products have come up in order to meet this need at affordable prices. Doctors do give HGH injections to people who have growth disorders or whose bodies are unable to produce the HGH hormone naturally.
There are several children diseases that cause the child to have development problems and injections of HGH can help to stimulate their growth. It is important to remember that HGH also helps the brain function so someone who is unable to produce it naturally can have decreased brain function. HGH gives individuals healthy and smooth skin as well as more energy and endurance that kids and young adults enjoy. HGH shots are very expensive and are generally prescribed only if HGH deficiency is present. There are now several non prescription products available that can help people keep that youthful appearance and energy. Products such as GHR1000 are safe supplements that can help to replenish the amount of HGH in the body. GHR1000 and other supplements act as a stimulant for the pituitary gland to secrete more HGH naturally.
Pituitary Gland Growth Hormone
"Wow, is this great stuff. It is the best drug for permanent muscle gains. This is the only drug that can remedy bad genetics, as it will make anybody grow. GH use is the biggest gamble that an athlete can take, as the side effects are irreversible. Even with all that, we LOVE the stuff." (Daniel Duchaine, Underground Steroid Handbook, 1982.)
As with no other doping drug, growth hormones are still surrounded by an aura of mystery. Some call it a wonder drug which causes gigantic strength and muscle gains in the shortest time. Others con-sider it completely useless in improving sports performance and ar-gue that it only promotes the growth process in children with an early stunting of growth. Some are of the opinion that growth hor-mones in adults cause severe bone deformities in the form of over-growth of the lower jaw and extremities. And, generally speaking, which growth hormones should one take -the human form, the synthetically manufactured version, recombined or genetically pro-duced form- and in which dosage? All this controversy about growth hormones is so complex that the reader must have some basic information in order to understand them.
The growth hor-mone is a polypeptide hormone consisting of 191 amino acids. In humans it is produced in the hypophysis and released if there are the right stimuli (e.g. training, sleep, stress, low blood sugar level). It is now important to understand that the freed HGH (human growth hormone) itself has no direct effect but only stimulates the liver to produce and release insulin-like growth factors and so-matomedins. These growth factors are then the ones that cause various effects on the body The problem, however, is that the liver is only capable of producing a limited amount of these substances so that the effect is limited. If growth hormones are injected they only stimulate the liver to produce and release these substances and thus, as already mentioned, have no direct effect.
During the mid 1980's only the human, biologically-active form was available as exogenous sour-cc of intake. It was obtained from the hypophysis of dead corpses, an expensive and costly procedure. In 1985 the intake of human growth hormones was linked with the very rare Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, an invariably fatal brain disease characterized by progressive dementia. In response, manufacturers removed this version from the market. Today, human growth hor-mones are no longer available for injection. Fortunately, science has not been asleep and has developed the synthetic growth hormone which is genetically produced either from Escherichia coli (E coli) or from the transformed mouse cell line. It has been available in nu-merous countries for years (see list with Trade Names . The use of these STH somatotropic hormone compounds offers the athlete three performanceenhancing effects. STH (somatotropic hormone) has a strong anabolic effect and causes an increased pro-tein synthesis which manifests itself in a muscular hypertrophy (enlargement of muscle cells) and in a muscular hyperplasia (in-crease of muscle cells.) The latter is very interesting since this in-crease cannot be obtained by the intake of steroids. This is probably also the reason why STH is called the strongest anabolic hormone.
The second effect of STH is its pronounced influence on the burning of fat. It turns more body fat into energy, leading to a drastic reduc-tion in fat or allowing the athlete to increase his caloric intake. Third, and often overlooked, is the fact that STH strengthens the connective tissue, tendons, and cartilages, which could be one of the main reasons for the significant increase in strength experienced by many athletes. Several bodybuilders and powerlifters report that through the simultaneous intake with steroids STH protects the athlete from injuries while increasing his strength. You will say that this sounds just wonderful. What is the problem, however, since there are still some who argue that STH offers nothing to athletes? There are, by all means, several athletes who have tried STH and who were sadly disappointed by its results. However, as with many things in life, there is a logical explanation or perhaps even more than one:
Both Jerry Tomak & Mark Henry are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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