Putting a little thought into choosing suitable girl dog names when making a decision as to what you should call your female dog is more important than you might think. Have you ever heard an owner call his/her dog and think to yourself, "What a foolish name?" Too many times owners rush into naming the dog and then regret it later when the dog grows to adulthood and has a childish name. Even though the pure white German Shepherd or Husky puppy may look like a snowball when it is a puppy, think about how it will look when it become bigger. Will the name "Snowball" still be appropriate?
Puppies are often given as gifts to children at Christmas and for birthdays. Instead of choosing a name right away, wait a few days or even a week to see if you can determine any facets of the dog's personality that would lead to a name. Even though your children will be anxious to name the dog, encourage them to wait and think carefully about the name they choose. However, you also have to consider the fact that as the puppy grows up, its personality will change and she may not display this personality trait as an adult.
Choosing a name for female dog has to be gender specific. This means it should be a girl's name. Although something generic will work as well, when you have a girl's name then everyone will know what gender it is. Thinks about the size of the dog - not the size it is as a puppy, but the size it will be when fully grown. Lady is a popular name, as are Chloe and Maggie. Other regal names for a female dog include Queen, Duchess or Princess.
Since you will be using the dog's name numerous times in the future, it should be a name you like and one that is easy to say. The shorter the better is one rule of thumb some experts recommend in choosing names for dogs. You could follow the example of Native Americans and choose a name that is closely associated with the dog's nature. To do this find a quiet spot outdoors. Close your eyes and meditate for a while. When you open your eyes, what is the first thing you see? This could well be the name of your dog - Daisy, Butterfly, Blue Sky. Of course, it wouldn't be a good idea to name the dog after the first thing you see if that happens to be a lawn mower.
You also have to think of your own personality when choosing a girl's name for your dog. The name is reflective of you and your taste. Color names are good for dogs, so you could think of your favorite color. The names of flowers are also suitable.
As soon as you decide on a name, start using it whenever you speak to the dog. This will help the puppy to get used to the name and she will come whenever you call. It may take a few days for this to happen, but she will learn her name.
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