One thing you must be willing to outline in detail is how you intend to service the debt as well as how the potential investor will benefit from your request. In addition, be prepared to do your home work and have thorough market research, projected costs and a detailed summary of how you intend to generate income. This information needs to be projected for a period of three to five years. It's a good idea to project your expenses on the high side.
Have some idea of what you expect to pay your investor. The only reason someone is going to lend you money is if they can see decent profits in exchange for lending it to you. Your market research had best substantiate that your plan is viable and will provide them with sufficient return on investment to justify their involvement.
Before you begin your search for investors, it's a good idea to have an attorney and/or accountant take a look at your plan. Be sure to use a qualified business attorney (not your family lawyer). There are a lot of laws pertaining to how equity capital can be raised from the public, and the laws change often so you want to be sure to use someone who is up on this. Also, a good professional may suggest specific points that you may have overlooked.
Once you have all the paperwork and representation in order, it's time to hit the streets and try to find someone who will invest in your new company.
One thing you might try is getting some relatives to invest. Yes, it can seem like begging, and it's a difficult thing to have to swallow your pride. Surprisingly, in a recent survey, almost 30% of entrepreneurs said that they raised all or part of the capital they needed through family members. If this is your choice, make sure that you have your attorney draw up a regular business contract. When approaching family members, talk to them about their investment the same way you would any other outside investor. Tell them about how much money they can make, not about how much you need their help. And make sure that you keep to your end of the agreement.
You may have to tap into your own financial resources and drain some of your savings or turn to your credit cards. This is the most common way for entrepreneurs to raise needed business capital. Before choosing this method however, talk with your financial advisor. You want to look at the long-term consequences of using your savings, life insurance or credit cards, especially in the event that your business venture fails, or does not bring in the projected return on investment (ROI). If you do end up financing your project using credit cards, make sure that you shop around first, and find the card that will offer you the best rate and gives you the most "bang" for your buck.
Use local business directories to find companies that specialize in ?investment services.? You can approach a local bank, but try and find a bank that specializes in industrial or business type loans.
You might consider incorporating and selling stock in the company. Although security laws in the U.S. have made it easier for companies to go public, and offer stock as a way to raise needed funds, this is still probably the most risky choice. It is usually not a recommended option for very new or very small companies. Because of the number of legal issues involved, consulting with a knowledgeable attorney beforehand is vital. There is also a lot of stress involved in running a public company, and a considerable loss of autonomy and control. Before making this choice, be absolutely sure that this is the wisest course of action for your business.
When it comes to getting funding, it doesn't hurt to be creative. If you believe in your idea, don't be afraid to do what ever it takes to launch. There are plenty of ways to come up with the capital you need. Think outside the box. Whether you are looking for $500 or $500,000 the money is there you just need to dig for it.
There are hundreds of free online classifieds websites which have become a blessing for thousands of new business owners with a limited budget. The advantage of these websites is that you can advertise your products or services for free. When you choose to advertise your products or services on a free website, you must make sure to identify a free classifieds site that has good visitor traffic and a website that is search engine friendly so that your ad can be picked up by the search engines when someone searches for the services you are offering. Also, you should make sure to search for a classifieds website that is located in your area. For instance, for New York City, you should look for a websites that caters to New York classifieds and for Los Angles, you should focus on websites that target the Los Angeles area.
Free classifieds ads can be well utilized as the visitors who read them would only be concerned about the matter that is specified in them and will not be bothered to check whether it is free advertisement or paid advertisement. However, you should only use reputed websites because while placing your ad most websites will ask for your personal details. Though those websites have privacy policy they may not keep to their policy and may sell your data to third parties. Also it may also affect the users who come to such sites through your advertisements. There are also some websites that specify that the advertising is free but will ask for your credit card details, you will have to be careful with such sites.
You should pay utmost importance while selecting the free classifieds site as you would actually be spending your valuable time for signing up, writing the ad message and posting. Though we presume it to be free, it is actually taking your time which could have otherwise been used for something productive. So, when you have already decided to spend time on posting free classifieds you should find ways to make it worthwhile. A quality website should have at least 100 ads posted once in two or three days. Any figure less than this would mean that there are not enough visitors to the website. The website that you select should be easy for the visitors to use and to get into your service category. Good examples of free classifieds sites are Multidimensions.Net and
If you should be thinking of building your new business completely with free classifieds then it becomes vital to make a list of popular websites with good traffic and post some captivating content with a catchy title. Colors and other possible effects should be used to give the advertisement a classy look. If it is possible to place link in your ad, you should place a link to your website. If linking is not allowed, you can provide the readers with your correct contact number, email or business address.
In short, identify the right website, follow the guidelines, double check before posting your ad whether all the contact details given are accurate and place a hot and compelling ad. Following the guidelines is very important as reputed websites would pay keen attention to all the posts and would remove your advertisement if it does not follow rules.
Both Lee Dobbins & Jeremy Bates1 Jeremy Bates1 are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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