Studies have shown that the major causes of male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) can be linked to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Therefore, the most effective hair loss help can be found in products that focus on blocking the build up DHT in you hair follicles. Unfortunately, the majority of products on the market are not effective in this regard.
Female hair loss can be a devastating and socially debilitating condition. As our society glorifies beautiful, long, full, thick hair, sufferers of hair loss are cowering under hats and wigs, feeling alone and depressed, and experiencing great discomfort during intimate times with their husbands or significant others. On the job can be just as bad. There is always that feeling that others are whispering their comments or giving sorrowful looks of sympathy. No one really knows how it feels unless they experience it for themselves.
Hair Loss Symptoms:
Most people notice hair loss when looking at themselves in a mirror.
You may also find many hairs on your pillow in the morning or in your hairbrush or comb.
A woman may notice a decrease in the size of her ponytail.
Aside from the thinning hair itself, most people do not have other problems associated with hair loss.
Causes for Hair Loss:
Illness, stress, and other factors can cause too many hairs to enter the resting (telogen) phase of the hair growth cycle, and it produces a dramatic increase in the amount of hair shed (effluvium), usually without bald patches. In many cases, telogen effluvium usually resolves in a few months on its own. Causes of telogen effluvium include:
High Fever, Severe Infection, Severe Flu Major Surgery/Chronic Illness Thyroid Disease Inadequate Protein in Diet Low Serum Iron Medications Birth Control Pills Cancer Treatments
Treatments For Hair Loss:
Treatments vary widely, dependent upon age, cause and general body condition. The first step is to see a physician. Hair loss can be an early sign of some diseases, like diabetes, and these need to be ruled out. As well, if your scalp is itchy and scaly, it is possible that a bacterial or fungal infection is at work. Fortunately, these can easily be resolved.
Women who experience hair loss during or immediately following pregnancy or after surgery should not be alarmed. Chances are, these are temporary conditions and will right themselves.
Poor diet and lack of exercise can be culprits as well. The important thing is to rule out any of the simpler, temporary causes and set your mind at ease. For others, hair loss is considered a permanent condition. Whether a result of heredity or hormones, it is there to stay unless treatments can be successful.
There are separate treatments for the reduction in the rate of hair loss and for the potential re-growth of hair that is already gone. For reduction in rate only, the following suggestions are widely made:
1. Stop using harsh shampoos; those with surfactants (lathering ingredients) are tough on hair and can cause early demise of hair strands.
2. Stop using dry heat methods of drying and styling. Get a hair style that does not require so much blow-drying or, worse, curling irons.
3. Stop coloring and treating so much; these processes damage hair, and as it is brushed or combed, greater loss will be the result
4. Fix your diet with well-balanced meals, particularly high in protein and natural oils can help.
5. Exercise more to increase the blood supply to your scalp. Increased blood supply can help to keep follicles healthy and producing.
6. Try to reduce your reactions to stress and anxiety. If you have normal stress that is typical in your day, find time to relax and get peaceful. Yoga and other forms of meditation can help to reduce your stress and anxiety.
7. Try natural remedies; these include essential oils and herbs which, in various mixtures, can be spread on the scalp and help follicles to remain open and healthy.
For reduction in rate and the potential of re-growth, there are a variety of medical options. These are advertised through all media, and most include research results which show the levels of effectiveness. Some contain both man-made chemicals and natural ingredients, some one or the other.
Solid investigation and some experimentation are warranted, so that you find the one that works best for you. This can be a lengthy process, because you may have to wait 3-6 months to determine effectiveness.
Today, it has become very common for women to experience hair loss and in fact, modern women are also quite ill equipped to cope with hair loss since they are too obsessed with keeping their hair looking as beautiful as possible to worry about the consequences. However, there are several causes for hair loss in women and it is up to each woman to find out the true cause for hair loss in them before they can hope to find an appropriate treatment method that will allow their hair to grow once more and also put an end to their hair loss.
Your Mom and Grandma
If you look at Aunt Bessie or Cousin Sallie and their hair is falling out suddenly, you too may face the same fate with sudden hair loss. Talk to them and find out when this sudden hair loss began and what they did about it, especially if you could never tell they had sudden hair loss.
The second major cause for hair loss in women is stress, which is bad for the health of a woman's hair and thus those who suffer from emotional or even physical stress would experience hair loss.
Women are one big walking-around loaded chock full of hormones kind of people. I am one so I can say that with confidence. When these balances are out of whack, all chaos can break loose in your body, physically, emotionally and psychologically. This can result in a lack of hair growth and can lead to sudden or gradual hair loss.
Some women use certain harsh chemicals as well as cosmetics on their hair and these are part of the causes for hair loss in women because some chemicals can harm the scalp and thus cause severe hair loss, and the same is the case when women use styling gels more than is recommended and even scrubs and topical creams can damage the roots and become other causes for hair loss in women.
Of course, you can also include health disorders as well as drugs as other possible causes for hair loss in women and so, if you have thyroid malfunctions or suffer from anemia you could experience hair loss and you could also experience hair loss when using certain kinds of medications.
If you are experiencing sudden hair loss, any or all of these factors could be applied to you. Ask your beautician and your doctor what the underlying causes are and treat them accordingly before they get worse.
Both Coni Anderson & Kristie Chiles are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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