A little over three years ago, I got started with Internet marketing. I got started because I needed to become independent of my job as a secretary. Like everyone else I started off with affiliate marketing. I know there was money to be made, but I just could not seem to get it working. None of my promotions worked, the sales were not coming.
I just could not see what it was that I was doing wrong. I kept on trying different programs that were being sent to my email address. Pretty soon everybody had my email address, which was a good thing because eventually I accessed the program that would change my life forever.
The newly found secret was extremely exciting to me. Finally I found a marketing system that was simple and straightforward and to the point. Most of all it was affordable and I did not have to figure anything out. I knew that this would appeal to quite a lot of people.
I have been told that about 90% of the people that tried Internet marketing gave up in about one to three years after not making any money. I think it would be accurate to say that some of the people that gave up, do return at some point in time, also do not forget the newbies, the one that are just beginning their Internet experiences.
I knew that I had found a gold mine and I was amazed at the potential of this newly found system. I did not waste time I delved into the system. The more I looked, the more I was amazed with the simplicity of it all. I knew that I would not have a problem promoting it to others. The opportunity to develop an Internet business is quite substantial.
Everyday thousands of people are looking for a way to work from home and now anyone has the opportunity to position themselves in front of these people in presenting them with a system that works, a system that is so easy to grasp. For a person that is new to Internet marketing this is important. Their first Internet business experience should be as easy as possible to understand, in order for them to be successful.
A lot of people are looking for a way to become self-sufficient. They want the freedom to enjoy life on their terms, and control their destiny. As an Internet marketer, you have the opportunity to present a system that will make their dreams become a reality. The system has to have the right tools, be simple, straightforward and NOT misleading in order to be effective. The system has to have the component that will take that person by the hand, so to speak and guide them to success. This is how you will achieve real success in an Internet business.
Internet marketing is a progression of ideas. You learn a little from someone and then a little more from someone else and then you put it all together and apply it. Now you have gained knowledge and experience. Sometimes your application does not work, but you don't give up - you just keep trying again and again until it works. Having a home business will arm you with the power to help others achieve their goals in their own Internet business. Indeed that is an honorable position to be in.
I believe that is what it is all about, people helping people. Sure you are building a business to make money, but it's much more than that. You want to have a feeling of self worth, and independence. You want to be able to make a difference in someone else's life, because that's what it's all about. You don't want your life to be at the mercy of others. You want to have control of it, because it really belongs to you and to you alone.
Through the years of being employed I had developed a sense of worthlessness, felt as though I was not valued as an employee for the work that I did. My life was slowly being sucked out of me and I had to put a stop to this madness somehow. Sure they say that one needs to earn a living. Sure you do, but for yourself not for your boss. Some people would say that I am trying to put the bosses out of business. No I am not, because as long as you have people who are being employed then you will always have bosses. But guess what I will not be one of those that are employed any longer; instead I will be one of those that have their own business.