House plants are actually living organisms and they can be attacked by other living organisms that can produce damage and diseases. Listed here are the most common symptoms along with tips on how to treat the diseases they cause.
Your plants might be covered with a powdery substance that can be wiped away easily with your hand or a soft cloth. That is a sign of powder mildew a very common plant disorder. The powder can be white or brown in color and is usually on top of the leaves where it can be seen with the naked eye. The disorder occurs more often when your plants has gotten too little sunlight or the soil has been kept too dry.
This condition can be easily treated, all you have to do is remove the powdery substance with a soft cloth. However, for more complete treatment and long term protection, use a mildewcide. Place the plant in a location where it can get more sun exposure and keep it watered properly.
Brown spotting on the leaves can be a sign of improper watering, which may make leaf spot fungus. Figure out how much water and when to give it, for your particular plant. Give the plant a bit more sun exposure and moving it close to a light source is a good idea. There is rarely any need for further treatment.
Spots are usually concentric shaped rings, in this case, they are mostly likely due to a fungus. Remove any dead leaves and allowing for good air circulation around the plant. To ensure that water spots do not remain on the leaves for long periods of time. This will promote the growth of fungus, use a fungicide.
Leaf spotting can also be the result of bacteria.
Bacterial spots on leafs can appear as a yellow-hued halo and the spots will get bigger to the point where they form a blob whenever the plant is continually wet. Drier conditions make brown spots and then the leaves become somewhat speckled. Keep the plants warm enough as recommended for their species and give them plenty of room to grow and spread. Treat with a bacteriacide when necessary.
Another common problem from over watering houseplants, is stem rot. The outer leaves of the plant will not hold tight to the plants and will possibly even fall off when touched. The outer edges of the leaves become yellow over time. To care for wilted houseplants applying a fungicide for quick relief but the only long term solution is to discover what type of watering pattern will work best for the type of plant you have.
Root rot is another problem that is cause by having too much moisture in the soil. Bacteria will thrive all the time becoming harmful to leavees and invade the roots and eventually work its way up the plant. The leaves will begin to be discolored and you can try easing up on the water, but few plants ever recover
To lower the risk of plants becoming damaged by disease, begin with disease free plants. The best way to do this is to buy from a reputable dealer only. Use sterile soil and not just old dirt from around your yard. Early and often treatment are also important and you should not let these problems go unchecked.
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