We have probably been enlightened by a thousand books and articles regarding the harmful effects of a high cholesterol level and how to lower it down to a healthy range. But is a low cholesterol level as undesirable as a high cholesterol level?
Experts believe that very low cholesterol levels may be symptoms of hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid gland, liver disease, malabsorption, malnutrition, hypocholesterolemia, and insufficient absorption of the nutrients from the intestines.
Extremely low cholesterol levels which are considered abnormal are known as hypocholesterolemia. There is an ongoing study that links this particular abnormality to tuberculosis. The study aims to consider the prospect of using cholesterol as a means for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.
Dutch experts recently conducted studies to gather more information as to whether or not low total blood cholesterol levels can raise the risk of depression in men. They have observed that men with low cholesterol levels display depressive symptoms of anger and hostility in contrast to the men with cholesterol levels within the normal range. Other recent studies have discovered that aside from the risk of depression, people with very low cholesterol levels are prone to anxiety, suicide, and hemorrhagic stroke. These studies further state that people with cholesterol level under 180mg/dL are two times more at risk to developing hemorrhagic stroke compared to those with levels at 230 mg/dL.
Research points out that the metabolism of serotonin, a substance that regulates a person's mood, may be influenced by cholesterol. As the study found out, the levels of serotonin is decreased in men having low cholesterol levels.
Some doctors believe though that getting your LDL way below the normal level is better. The reason why LDL should be the main focus in cholesterol lowering is that this particular lipid acts as the bad guy. They are the ones that accumulate on the walls of the blood vessels, forming a plaque over time which results in blockage of blood flow. Lowering your total blood cholesterol shouldn't be way beyond the normal level, as experts say, because your total cholesterol is not only made up of the bad (LDL) cholesterol, but the good (HDL) cholesterol as well.
So it's not a question of how low you should go. Checking your HDL level should be done as well. Increasing it will make it more effective in counteracting your bad cholesterol.
Recipes For Low Cholesterol
To get your cholesterol to the right level, you need to follow a few basic rules. It takes a bit of effort to remember initially but soon becomes part of your daily routine. You must be aware that cutting down on cholesterol-rich foods does not mean cutting down on food. Once you approach this diet as just a changed one rather than a starvation diet, you can set about making it work for you.
The first step is to shop right. That means paying close attention to the labels. This could take a bit of time in the beginning, when you have to look at quite a few before you decide to buy or reject. You soon get the hang if it however and begin to automatically steer your way towards the food that is good for you.
The labels on all food packs tell you the nutritional value of the contents. You'll see how much of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals it contains. Steer clear of animal fat in foodstuffs, as well as trans fats. When you limit the consumption of saturated fats, your cholesterol levels start going down. Keep in mind that the body, too produces cholesterol so you need to offset that by cutting down a lot when you start your diet. As far as taste goes, trans fats make for better texture, consistency and taste in a lot of foods. You just need to find substitutes that appeal to you just as much which don't contain these harmful fats.
How about sugar? Start by substituting it in a few items of food, then go on to more and more as you get used to it. Honey is a natural sweetener as is unrefined sugar. Food with corn syrup is avoidable as it is high in carbohydrates. While you're at it, cut down on the salt as well, as it increases the blood pressure and together with high cholesterol, could lead to serious health risks. Processed foods like meats contain a lot of it.
Try to put "good fats" into your diet, like olive oil and avocados. Also include fruits, vegetables and fiber to aid digestion. What you need in your daily diet is a balance. Never eat till you are stuffed. Always get up from the table when you're full but feel you can eat just a little more. If you find every meal leaves you feeling too full, eat many small meals a day, punctuating your regular food with fruit breaks, soups or salads. Some people substitute butter with spreads made from sitostanol, a plant-based derivative that is supposed to curb the absorption of fat.
It all boils down to an issue of balance. Your body produces cholesterol. You've got high cholesterol. So you need to take in less than you are doing right now and maybe take in a few cholesterol-busting foods as well to keep the balance. Once you've managed a regimen that brings the cholesterol equilibrium back into your life, make sure you keep at it to make it stay that way.
Both Laurence Clunie & Ray La Foy are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Laurence Clunie has sinced written about articles on various topics from Business and Finance, Computers and The Internet and Martial Arts. The article you have just read is just one of several informative articles on the subject of cholesterol that you can find here: http://www.low-cholsterol-rec. Laurence Clunie's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Laurence Clunie to your Favourites.
Ray La Foy has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Improvement, Software and Parenting. More information on a low cholesterol dietlow cholesterol diethttp://ww. Ray La Foy's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark Ray La Foy to your Favourites.
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