Why? Because when you use attraction marketing techniques your customers in your target market will come to you basically begging to buy your product or join your organization. That's right interested customers will automatically be attracted to your business because of your marketing methods.
The law of attraction states, that like attracts like, so what you need to focus on in your marketing is finding customers or prospects that are like you. Why? Well you like whatever product or service you are selling right? So wouldn't other people, that are like you, be attracted to the same thing?
Are you in such an odd niche that you can't go out and find a few hundred people all across the internet who are as interested as you are in your product or service? I'm sure you can, so when you are writing ads and marketing material think of the target market you want to attract first. Then write ads and marketing material tailored directly to their needs, and no one else's.
If you sell golf equipment, for example, run golf ads and put them in places only golfers will read them. This will attract only golfers.
Think of the big corporations that do this 24/7 on television. Why do think there are beer commercials during football games, or perfume ads in Cosmopolitan? How would your marketing work if you tried advertising the perfume you sell during a football game?
Most people, when they start their internet or network marketing business try to market it to everybody, thinking that if their marketing efforts go out to more people they will produce more results. This is a marketing misconception and a huge mistake. You don't need a lot of customers or people in your organization to be successful, you just need to attract the right ones.
This is especially true in network marketing, as I know first hand the frustration of dealing with lazy prospects who expect to get rich quick and usually drop out of the organization after just a couple of months. The thing is, in each of these situations, I attracted these lazy people to my organization because something in my marketing material conveyed that what I do is easy and anyone can do it. That was a big mistake that cost me a lot of time and money.
I see many ads like the ones I used to place all the time, and believe me they do get you phone calls and lots of quick sign-ups, but in the end they just waste your time, energy, and money. These ads are not using attraction marketing and do not produce results or people that last.
This is not what you want for your business. Thankfully at one point I realized that I needed to change my marketing efforts to attract more qualified, targeted people for my organization.
Attraction marketing can bring you huge results if you can use it properly. You need to understand that it is not the quantity of prospects or customers you attract that is important, it is the quality of the prospect and the repeat long-term customer that bring ultimate success to your business.
Try to use attraction marketing techniques in your next advertising campaign and find people just like yourself who will benefit from your product or service. You will be surprised by the long-term results.
Mike Dillard has sinced written about articles on various topics from Network Marketing, Internet Marketing and How to Sell on Ebay. From waiting tables to millionaire at 29, Mike Dillard, is a professional marketer who has taught over 100,000 entrepreneurs from around the world how to tap into the power of his. Mike Dillard's top article generates over 14800 views. Bookmark Mike Dillard to your Favourites.
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