When somebody does a great website with all systematic advertising aids at place, one expects instant success! Many do not realize that it is the rich content that ultimately matters. Take an example. There is a website with rich content. The author found it hard to understand how to channel an advertising link to it. Least she understood about the links. But she could do one thing regularly, and that is to write and update her content with relevance. After two months, she found out $2 in her kitty as earning. Well, it is not much. But, one does not get rich overnight. And she had posted only about 6 pages of content. Pretty good bargain, I suppose.
This does not mean that advertising campaigns are useless. Maybe, a timely advertising would have fetched her much better revenues with whatever content she has placed till date.
The strategy with a site ownership is that one should be disciplined with time and subject and style as well. Creating content is a challenge no doubt, but life is a story running all the time, providing one with hundreds of plots from where one has to hatch the story.
Every webmaster utilizes Meta tags or other tricks to get in more visitors. But concentrating on the website theme consistently is the real clue!
Discipline and Commitment
To watch life for plots, one has to be focused. There has to be a plan for everything that one goes about oneself. That is the easiest way to create content for one. And there are innumerable people around who can be examples for much other sequence. The discipline with oneself demands one to be the judge within. Forgiving maybe, but to be able to criticize oneself constructively holds the key.
Inspiration comes as a supplement. The failures, the unhappiness which go on to design a better time is enough to get one going endlessly, only one has to believe in a regular writing schedule. Happenings are a definite, believe it.
Website dedication: Regular Updates
Supposing you have already attracted a substantial amount of visitors. With reciprocal links at least. Would they not like to return to you another time for something more? What would they see if you have not yet added anything new?
You will lose them. Even the search engines which link you, will be coming back to you more regularly if your content is enriched (updated).
When you write, you add up more keywords. That will attract new visitors, more reciprocal links.
Ways to get lots of quality content for your site
these are
1.Instead of thinking, get down to writing a full page on anything you are thinking. All you are thinking does matter because somebody else or a whole lot of people may be thinking the same way.
2.Sometimes you can give the background of your thought process. Testimonials are a way of flaunting your experience rich mind. And your intelligence. That you are thinking on something that is very negligible may be is an extraordinary thing; recording a nuance of life!!
3.History of something, a hotel perhaps, is a visible thing which may also prove to be an interesting reading. An ordinary story, but may be a lot of people will find them inspiring.
4.Questions and answers are another way of adding content. Allow them to debate on finer aspects or maybe on something vague, or a distant probability. All that shapes into a vision, a dream even if they sound absurd at present. So what? You have nothing to lose.
5.Forums are a new way of creating content now days. Make sure of ways to track them down, or provide space for those.
6.Others may contribute as Guest writers.
As it is, there is a lot that is available on Internet. Value addition can be done in a thousand ways to the same content.
If you cannot arrange all quality content into one, then build a second one and add them via links...
Why and how content brings in more traffic
Websites is usually built like company brochures with 5-10 html files. For a search engine it becomes difficult to rank it as there is very little text which can be used as keywords. A bicycle web page should contain some text with bicycle. The experience is that people really want some literature about everything and sometimes it is most likely to be found in later pages when one goes deeper into the site. Maybe that can be improved upon if one puts the text in front rather than positioning them at the rear.
Quality content accentuates traffic and places the site in vogue in the circle of human-edited directories such as the Open Directory Project). If one has a lot of quality contents, your articles will be published more in the ezines which bring more traffic anyway. Wonder why people bother to think of doing something else on earth at all!
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