For reasons that are not specifically known, fish oil, according to the author of one study titled "From Inuit to implementation: omega-3 fatty acids come of age," "seems to be able to stabilize myocardial membranes electrically, resulting in reduced susceptibility to ventricular dysrhythmias, thereby reducing the risk of sudden death." So, the omega-3's from fish oil stabilize the electrical impulses that cause the heart to beat and this reduces the risk of a heart attack. Another theory suggests that fish oils help to navigate cholesterol levels to healthier levels therefore causing an indirect effect on the implications of heart disease. Even more, another theory says that fish oils have an antithrombotic effect, which means that they cause less blood clots to form within the body - along the same lines as this, it is known that fish oil does have anti-inflammatory effects.
In the most famous study, known as the GISSI, 11,324 patients that had survived a recent heart attack less than 3 months ago were monitored and shown to have, after 3.5 years, a 45% decrease in risk of sudden death due to cardiac reasons and a reduction of 20% in all-cause death in the group that was assigned an omega-3 supplement of 850 mg per day. In fact, the authors of this study noted that the effect of omega-3s became evident at the 4 month mark.
In another study, by Harper CR and Jacobson TA at the Emory University of Medicine, the authors investigated six trials/studies that tested the effects fish oil. The authors found that the supplementation of fish oil caused a statistically significant reduction in the amount of heart attacks that occurred that were fatal. However, they also found that the number of nonfatal heart attacks was not statistically significantly reduced. The study was titled "Usefulness of omega-3 fatty acids and the prevention of coronary heart disease."
So, exercise, eat right, and take your fish oils and you're heart will love you in addition to allowing you to live longer. Although many people may simply "not worry about the long run" as to how their life goes- not only can fish oil increase your lifespan -it can also increase the quality of your life.
Risk For Coronary Heart Disease
But by the age of 40 almost 50 percent of men and more than 30 per cent of women will have heart disease and the sad part is they will not even know it. That is until it is too late when they end up in the emergency room with a brain or heart disaster.
Coronary heart disease is a massive global health threat with more than 2,500 people in the US dying each day from it and 7 million worldwide each year. It is no surprise that 'lack of exercise' is a major risk factor for heart disease. Currently 60 percent of the world's population does not get enough proper physical activity to benefit their health with women and older adults being at the very top of the list.
Our keenness not to move much has given us the label of the most inactive population that ever lived. We spend most of our day sitting, in the car, at our work, back into the car then parked in front of the television or some other small screen for the evening.
Is it any real surprise that we are so out of shape we develop pot bellies in our 20's?
Our poor hearts struggle with our clogged arteries causing our blood pressure to zoom and leaving us gasping for air when we have to climb a flight of stairs. We continue to poke things that resemble food but contain no nutritional value whatsoever into our mouths causing our waistlines to bulge putting further strain on our long suffering hearts.
The heart being a muscle responds to exercise like any other muscle. You can beef it up and keep it strong and healthy or you can let it get scrawny, weak and prone to disease. To help your heart you need to strengthen your whole body. Strong muscles help push blood around the body taking strain off the heart.
When muscles are firm and toned they squeeze or 'milk' the blood back to the heart every time you move. Flabby, weak muscles cannot do this so the heart has to work much harder every minute of the day and night to keep you alive.
The only type of exercise to strengthen your heart and every other muscle in your body is strength training exercise. No other type of activity can even come close to the life giving benefits that this type of exercise performed properly can provide.
Long, slow, steady state, high repetition, low intensity activity has now been proven to make the heart/lung system smaller and weaker than what was previously believed.
Downsizing the heart and lungs is not a healthy thing to do as it increases the risk of disease which is why strength training is the best type of exercise for a strong heart.
With added strength the heart can deliver life giving oxygen and nutrients to all cells and tissues with less beats. It does not need to pump as often so it becomes more efficient with less wasted effort. If you reduce your resting heart rate just 10 beats per minute you will save your heart from beating 14,000 times per day. This can extend its longevity and give you more active and productive years.
Take action today and start a proper strength training program. This will be your protective measure to steel your defenses against this silent killer. If you leave things up to chance you will be doubling your risk of heart disease which is a little like playing Russian roulette with your life at stake. But you are lucky you now have the knowledge that can change these odds in your favor so you can live a long, healthy and active life.
Both Kallore Gandhi & Gen Wright are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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