The green home is no longer an interesting experiment, and Atlanta green homes are now available. It is no longer possible for anyone to deny the tremendous impact that we humans are having on the welfare of our planet. Our ever-growing numbers and ever-greater demands and expectations have led us to the point where our everyday lives are constantly choking the planet that gave us birth.
It is all too easy to sit back and claim that the problem is down to big industry, and that we can have little impact ourselves, or make very much difference as individuals. It is also too easy to let the politicians handle the crisis, and turn away from the evident issues that surround all of us, whilst we happily return to our daily lives.
Yet the truth is that it is those very same daily lives that are having the greatest impact of all on the environment, chiefly as a direct result of the energy consumption and ongoing energy demands that are made. We are only just waking to the realisation that it is our very homes which are causing the greatest cumulative threat to the survival of our species, since it seems very clear that, at the present rate of global damage, we stand little chance of surviving for much longer.
It is for this reason, and with this realization in mind that an increasing number of people and companies are investing in green homes - houses that are designed, built and lived in with the greatest attention given to the welfare of the environment, and the quantity of energy necessary.
Shipping huge quantities of logs from halfway across the world uses enormous amounts of fuel, and those logs may well come from forests that cannot be sustained. Building homes from such materials is easy to ignore by those of us who simply live in the home once it is built, but the supply of green homes, built with a clear environmental awareness, is only ever going to match the demand from consumers.
It may be the big businesses and building companies using up the precious energy reserves we have in natural resources, but it is only as a result of the demand from those of us who live in homes of our own. The more aware we are of what it means to have a home which is green, the more likely it will be that demand will increase, and with such an increase, a necessary decrease in the extraordinary wastage which occurs every day of fossil fuels and natural resources which are choking the world we share.
A green home is one that meets a wide range of criteria. To begin with, the materials used to build the home must be environmentally friendly. Timber must be from sustainable forests, and any materials used should be sourced as locally as possible, or transported in the most fuel efficient way.
It is also important to bear in mind that the type of materials used will have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the home. Many natural materials, such as timber, provide far greater insulation than many materials which are commonly used today. Even incorporating larger windows not only drastically cuts down on the amount of timber or other materials used for walls, but also helps to allow more light in - cutting down on lighting costs, and of course also helps to let the sun's heat in, and hold it in, to help save energy for heating.
Even the basic design of a house makes a huge difference, and green homes often have very large sloping roofs, providing a large area which can be used for solar panels to absorb the sun's energy. Angling the house in such a way that the roof gains maximum sunlight means that the average home can easily sustain its own power requirements from the solar panels alone - especially during the summer months when heating and lighting costs are limited anyway.
Atlanta green homes are insulated by means of cavity walls filled with foam, double glazing and loft insulation. All of this retains heat in the home and reduces the energy required for heating. Any step that can be taken to conserve energy is taken.
It is the design of a home, its location, the materials used in its manufacture, the transportation of those materials, the features built in to the Atlanta green home to help reduce energy costs and maximise natural energy sources all helps to create a home which has as little impact on the environment as possible. It is only by creating homes of the future which reach as far towards this ideal as possible that we have any realistic chance of reducing our energy consumption sufficiently to ensure that future generations have a planet on which to build their home.
River Green Homes For Sale
Most of us going into a home automation project have some idea of what it is that we want. However, there is often a big gap between what we want and what can be delivered. There are always new ideas and new technologies delivering a raft of new and different possibilities. It is always wise to work with a professional home automation company to put your project into reality.
There seems to be some degree of interchangeability in using words like smart home and green home. Take for example a news item that surfaced, "Builder pledges green housing". In one sentence the builder is pledging to build all green houses and in another sentence it is stated that they are building smart homes.
The concept of a green home is usually one centered on an energy efficient home. This may involve such things as automated lighting, that turns on automatically when a person enters a room and the light in the room is insufficient for a human to really see, and it turns off when the person leaves the room. Now while something like this is about home automation, it also is about saving energy.
The concept of a smart home has to do with home automation, home networking, remote control, web enabling home systems for access when not on the property, and so on. Some of these ideas can be also included under the concept of a green home in that the automation or remote control can bring about energy efficiencies.
However, there is an aspect of a green home that has very little to do with home automation and that is where incredibly interesting use of products and they way a house is built that requires very little heating/cooling and other energy saving devices. It is almost the unwiring or a home to achieve better results in the home environment.
So when a volume builder talks about building smart homes and green homes it will be interesting to see what is actually meant by such terms? Is it a better designed house so as to not use so much energy to heat and cool it? Is it about including some home automation to save on energy use? I would suggest that conducting a home automation project like this will give better results than a DIY type of project. I have seen people waste so much money and time and still not get the results they wanted because of a DIY project that goes wrong.
Both Robert D. Thomson & Faye Bautista are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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