Right now I Havent ever touched a safelist, and when I explain the reason why, strange as it may sound to those of you here looking for advice on using safelists, but my very reason for NOT using safelists will HELP you to make more money with safelists, if you are using them now, or even thinking about getting into them.
Listen folks, I dont like to give out advice on how to do something that I havent had personal success with using, it is for this exact reason that I AM NOT going to suggest any safelist related resources to you, or any safelist marketing tips, all I am going to do now is tell you why I DONT use safelists right now, but why I DO have every intention of using them in the very near future.
First of all, What Exactly is a Safelist?
remember we have to look at this from our Broadened Marketng Eye, if you’ve been reading my other articles you’ll understand what I mean, your focus should always be on A) how to get more exposure and B) how to make the most out of any particular kind of exposure.
Bearing this fact constanly in mind, Imprinting it into the back of my head with a Mental Branding Iron, Whenever I see any website or any kind of Marketing material I analyse it straight away, I try and figure out A - the strategy behind the Website, how does the owner intend to make money, what kind of people is he going to try and appeal to, who if anyone is going to be interested in this website, how did I get there, etc etc,
This helps me to judge to myself if a website is going to be a worthwhile endeavour on my behalf in using their services.
Now, what does this have to do with Safelists, and Why I dont use them?
Well, when you go to a Safelist Website, have you analysed it like I mentioned above?
Whats the Strategy behind the website, a Safelist Site?
This ones easy, the STRATEGY is give away something free, to build a list. Perhaps also offer Extra Benefits to encourage people to upgrade to Paid Memberships, then perhaps offer refferal incentives if offering paid membership, to increase members. Thats a Straight Forward enough Strategy,
How does the owner intend to make Money?
2 Primary Ways really. You know what a Safelist is it’s a giant email list that each member can use to email their message to all the other members at certain intervals. Using the strategy described above the owner can make money via Marketing to his own list of members and/or by giving extra privileges, such as, more frequent mailouts etc. That’s it, the owner can Market the Memberbase with products via email, or Sell Premium Features.
I know you probably completely understand those points and are bored, but I dont want to go straight to the next points without going over the method of Analysing Sites, for those that dont do this already You Really Really Should Be! So the next point
what kind of people is he going to try and appeal to?
Quite simply, the owner of a safelist is going to be appealing to people with their own online business, who want to increase there optin list, or build their traffic, thats it. The owner builds their list, and can make money with premium offers, but there primary selling point is offering access to their whole “safelist" on the basis that the others can mail to you. The Safelist owner is appealing to everyone with a website, just about, because mostly everyone with a website wants more visitors/subscribers. The Safelist owner has a broad market.
what kind of people are ACTUALLY Going to be interested in this service?
Well, the safellist owner pretty much has it covered, lots of people wil sign up to his safelist in the hope that when they make a mailout they can get some extra exposure for their business,
Okey Dokey folks, lets weigh it up, its looking good for the Safelist Owners!!! Ha, but thats not the point here, Do I want to use this service to try and market my product? Well, lets see, I’ve either got, the Next Best Marketing Opportunity that I want people to join(qute a common one) OR I have some kind of new product, like a new engine mod, or a guide to cutting figurine hedges, or something like that.
Do I want to use a Safelist,
No, Not really, my product wouldnt really be appealing to anyone there, they arent there to look for new things to purchase, the only reason I can mail to all those guys is because they can all mail to me!!
I didnt have any intention of buying, all I intended to use the Safelist for was to try and sell MY Product!! IN FACT, You know what, perhaps I Did sign up, and got LOADS of emails I couldnt even read them all, so I set up a new email and left that old address to clog up, I dont even look at it!! All I signed up for was to send emails, Imagine, if the odd member Does perhaps look quickly down his ever growing list of emails to delete, just to see if there is anything of interest, and comes across my Gardners Guide or Join My Downline, bet they’re thinking “yeah right, I want YOU to join MY downline, or buy MY guide to gardening!"
Do You see my point here, if you try and picture a typical scenario, involving the product in question(safelists here but it applies across the board), you can get a picture of whats going on, are they gonna want to buy your product do you think? Not really, Do you even think they are going to read your email? Likelihood, NOT!!
Hold On Hold On. I know I know, its like, “Hey Martin, your not helping us here, whats going on"
Its Simple, Due to the fact, that the people on the safelist are trying to get their own customers, just like you are, then they probably dont want to buy your product, or join your team, or downline. Why would they, their only trying to do the exact same thing you are, why dont you use Them? Join Their Downline? Exactly, neither will they yours,
Not Unless, you happen to be selling something that DOES appeal to the Safelist member
Really the only thing that is going to appeal to the safelist member is something that is going to build their optin list or help sell their product.
Basically that’s it!!!
If your not selling something that’s going to help build a safelist members business then you’ve got no business being on a safelist. Simple as that.
If you do happen to have the product that fits into the criteria of actually appealing to a safelist member then of course you’ve now got the whole problem of how to get them to read your email out of all the other’s they’ll be receiving.
How to get your safelist mail out of the safelist junk box, and into the “Safe Box"?
Check out my next article coming soon, How To Save Your Safelist Mail From the Safe Box Hole of No Return.
Martin Andrew has sinced written about articles on various topics from Best Money Market, Research and Science and Marketing. Martin has decided to share his Ideas and Experiences on Succesful Online Marketing. Read More Online Business AdviceBe sure to check out M. Martin Andrew's top article generates over 2400 views. Bookmark Martin Andrew to your Favourites.
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