Accidentally I hit upon a process that I've used for over a dozen years that has resulted in virtually all of our most profitable clients.
Like every professional I was constantly looking for the best way to connect with my ideal client types.
It had to be cost effective, no ads in the Wall Street Journal, and it had to be effective by getting me in front of the right people several at a time.
Accidents happen, sometimes resulting in a good thing. I ran into a group of business owners at a hotel coffee shop.
I had just given a short workshop at their association meeting, so I knew some of them from a few minutes before.
We sat around the table for a while, continuing the previous discussion and building upon it for the benefit of the folks who had not been in the earlier meeting.
As it became clear that I had to leave for the airport one of them suggested that we keep this strategic conversation going via some conference calls. So, for the next several months we did just that, for an hour or so a couple of times a month.
Accidentally I had figured out how to showcase my ability to my ideal audience. Over time they became more comfortable with me, knew I was sincerely interested in them because my observations made sense and they became more confident in my knowledge and ability to help them.
I had been given the time for the know, like, trust, and respect formula to develop.
Over the next several years each of these business owners became our clients and directed countless fees our way - by referring people to us based on their prestige and credibility.
After the third or forth call I took the crucial next step, without which this valuable opportunity would have been reduced to a single event, I called a couple of existing clients.
I asked them if they'd like it if we created a peer group, to put together a board of advocates and help for them and their business. I said that we could meet over the phone so there'd be no travel time, I would help them figure out who to invite and be with them to explain the process when we invited them.
Knowing me the way they do their first question was, how much will this cost - and I said I would be doing it as a volunteer at no charge. I told them that I wanted to learn how to be a better meeting facilitator so I was willing to volunteer my time.
I did not realize it at the time but this was an important element. Since I was not charging and since I was 'just learning' their expectations were easy to meet and it answered the 'what's in it for Wayne' question that was in their minds.
After these next two groups got going I repeated the process again and again. Always for free, a limited number of groups each year - creates scarcity. And if every group is populated with ideal prospects, there has always been more than enough follow on business and referrals to make this the single most profitable thing I do.
If you have a single client that you consider an ideal client type person, that's all you need to get started. In fact if you have someone who is not your client but who knows, likes, trusts and respects you - that will work too.
(Do not create any groups where the people are not all your ideal client types. It will waste your time and theirs and you will take yourself in the wrong direction)
With your ideal client groups you will be modeling your best self in front of people who will either buy your services or refer you to others who will!
The only remaining question is whether you can do the volunteer facilitating or not.
My guess is you'll do fine. They know you're learning so they'll help. They don't know the "right way" to do it anyway and you're not charging for it.
If they sense your commitment to them and to the process, if you are genuinely trying to help they'll be convinced that you are worthy of their trust and respect.
Remember, people don't care how much you know until the know how much you care - about them.
Sales And Marketing Strategy
There acre basic principles that you need to realize as part of your Internet-marketing strategy. Though, it is not possible to generate income in just one night, Internet marketing strategy allows you to significantly achieve your goal in achieving success in online business. These Internet marketing strategies allow your efforts to be paid-off.
So, what are these so called basic principles that make your online business a success?
First is, you have to stick to a practical approach. While others only think on how to get profit online easily- that is not the principle. You have to labor first before you can gain. In the internet marketing arena, you have to work hard to develop your website as good and as effective to outdo others. In the Internet, you have to think that there is a great competition around and the best thing to do in order to be not left behind is to make your website competitive.
A competitive website can generate higher traffic or subscribers- this provide you the opportunity to earn income. You must strive to establish on how can you generate web traffic for your site. Marketing on the internet really needs this principle so be sure to apply this and be aware of its great importance.
As another principle for your internet-marketing strategy, you have to gear your self for search engine optimization. It is not enough that you design a web site; you have to make a strategy for your website be crawled by search engine and to make them rank higher. Search engine optimization can be done all by your self but be sure you have enough knowledge on how to make this achievable.
You have to strive to generate traffic to your site. You can do blog commenting, directory submissions, article submission, keyword research, join in forum in order to build reputation online. This internet marketing strategy is really essential to generate traffic for your website.
Link building through link trading is also an effective marketing strategy which you can apply for your online business. Remember that the most important components for you to generate greater traffic are content and links. The more links you have, the more direct traffic is injected to your website and this is a big opportunity to succeed in online business.
If you practice the above principles, diligently and consistently, your online business would flourish soon and start generating online income for you.
Principles discussed above are important to consider as part of your internet marketing strategy so that you are able to pave the way for your online business success.
Both Wayne Messick & Stephen Campbell are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Wayne Messick has sinced written about articles on various topics from Employment, Education Toys and Marketing. Wayne Messick, co-founder of shows you how to create and manage a twenty first century peer group to leverage your relationship with your p. Wayne Messick's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Wayne Messick to your Favourites.
Stephen Campbell has sinced written about articles on various topics from Psychology, Email Advertising and Personal Development Plan. Stephen C Campbell (MBA, MSc, MCIM) is a business consultant who hasconducted business throughout Europe, Far East & the U.S. He specializes in helpingbusinesses use the new technologies as a part of their business strategies.. Stephen Campbell's top article generates over 90500 views. Bookmark Stephen Campbell to your Favourites.
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