When looking for scrapbook quotes think about the message you wish to convey which can be summed up in just a few words and how they will compliment the page. Consider if the page would look better with a fun element or something more sentimental.
Although creating your own scrapbook quotes will make your scrapbook ideas unique and personal here are a few of my favourites and where they can be used.
Baby Scrapbook Quotes
- Children learn by doing, and play is their work.
- People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one.
- A baby fills a place in your heart you never knew was empty.
- A baby is the greatest gift that life can bring.
- Before you were born I knew you.
- Children out grow everything, but their mothers heart.
Friendship Scrapbook Quotes
-A friend is a gift you give yourself.
-A friend can tell you things you do not want to tell yourself
-Friends are the sunshine of life
-Friendship is a knot tied by angels hands
-The only way to have a friend is to be one.
Love Scrapbook Quotes
-A life without love is no life at all
-I will love you and no other, always.
-I'd be lost without you.
-In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities
-Love builds bridges where there are none.
-Love is the closest thing we have to magic.
Marriage Scrapbook Quotes
-Whoever loves life will love love
-You're the song I was destined to know
-Because just being together is enough
-A happy marriage is the world's best bargain
-Always together, never apart
There are many ways to add scrapbook quotes to page layouts, whether you decide to hand write them or print them. It is extremely easy to purchase books of scrapbook quotes and simply add the quote that fits the page. Use your imagination and try different techniques to make the words really stand out. Try adding the quote to a tag or even attach to the photograph itself.
If you find you are still scratching your head trying to come up with a unique scrapbook quote you could always search the internet for inspiration. Remember that the quote needs to express the feeling and emotion within the photo. In my opinion it is better to have short quotes when creating a scrapbook page layout as people may focus too much on the words and not appreciate the picture and the overall page.
Scrapbook Quotes And Sayings
Scrapbooking has come such a long way since those days and scrapbbooking techniques have evolved substantially meaning you can now preserve your memories in a far more visible, long lasting and impressive way.
Because of modern day changes in the way your scrapbook pages are kept, they will now last a lifetime. This is because current scrapbooks contain specialized covers which not only hold the pages in place; they will protect your pages from years of wear and tear.
There are a number of ways to attach almost anything to your scrapbook page layouts. Strong glue alternatives such as glue dots, double sided tape and 3D foam can now attach your embellishments, pictures and accessories without creating a mess.
These specialist glues are strong enough to stick ribbon, feathers, card and even metal charms.
It is important when you first begin scrapbooking, to ensure all your craft supplies are acid and lignin free. Using paper that contains lignin will cause a yellow tinge to occur over time. You will also find your scrapbook pages will become brittle and crumble.
The enjoyable appeal about scrapbooking is it can provide an answer to all your scrapbook ideas due to the amazing designs and diversity of scrapbooking supplies now available. That said you actually do not require a great deal to get started.
The first and obviously most essential item is the scrapbook album itself. These come in a range of sizes and a vast array of designs and colours. You will also need some strong acid free glue, a pair of sharp scissors and of course your pictures or newspaper clippings to decorate your scrapbook album.
You can use scraps of card, paper, ribbon or whatever you have rattling around in your craft supplies to embellish your first scrapbook page. Once you have become more acquainted with creating scrapbook pages you will find many products that save you time such as pre made embellishments, scrapbook stickers and ready to go scrapbook quotes.
When creating your first scrapbook page layout you will need to decide on the theme. This can be as complex or simple as you wish. Think carefully about the title of the page as this will tell the viewer exactly what the page is about.
You may decide to use the date and place for the title but I would suggest looking for some scrapbook quotes or a saying that explains the scene more poetically and personally.
Use items from the time in question to decorate the page, add items such as programmes, receipts or information leaflets. It is also important to journal your scrapbook pages.
Alternatively and if you are just starting out, try not to think about the page layout too much. It is amazing what you can come up with when throwing together some bits and pieces from your scrapbook supplies and only after experimenting with things that do not work will you find your perfect pages.
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