Ah, spring! This is the season that so many of us call our favorite and with good reason. Winter may be beautiful and fun for those who love to ski or snowboard, but let's face it, after so many months of having to wear several layers of clothes and dig out the car before we can go anywhere, is it any wonder that so many scrappers are looking forward to the season and their spring scrapbooking layouts! If this describes you and you are ready to create some really inspirational pages that celebrate the season, how can you do this? What are some unique and original ways to dress up your spring scrapbooking layouts so that they don't look like everyone else's pages?
The first thing you might want to think about when it comes to spring scrapbooking layouts is the color choice. Many people opt for soft pastels when it comes to spring pages, but why not try something bold and brilliant? Find paper that is a deep and rich purple or crimson. You will of course need to break up this strong color with other elements and embellishment it so that it does not overpower your scrapbooking page layout, but by having this strong color as your base you are going to create pages that are really unique.
What is going to be your main focal point for your spring scrapbooking layouts? Do you have a favorite photo to use? If you are not sure of an idea, why not try the front of a greeting card or a postcard? You can frame these the way you would a photo and they can be very beautiful but very unique. Flowers of course are a typical option when it comes to decorations for spring scrapbooking layouts, but don't limit yourself to this. Think sunshine and singing birds as well. Many animals have their babies in the spring, so you can do a baby animal themed page. Try baby bunnies, ducks, puppies, and so on.
Spring layouts can include springtime sports as well. Remember the holidays during spring, like Easter. Easter egg hunts and Easter outfits make great photo opportunities for your spring layouts. Take pictures of your garden, especially the bulbs as they first start to sprout from the ground. Then use photos of tulips and daffodils as they bring color back to your yard.
When scrapbooking Easter page layouts for spring, don't limit yourself to Easter bunnies and Easter baskets. This is a perfect time to scrapbook your faith. Consider what Easter means to you and your religion. If you don't celebrate Easter, you might include a page that reflects your own faith or religion, and how you express your faith.
Spring brings warmer weather and all those fun activities that go with it. Consider scrapbooking a boat out on the water, picnics, all of the fun things you do when the weather is warmer can be great themes or page elements. Since there is no right or wrong way to make scrapbooks, don't hesitate to get very creative and you'll have some pages that are as unique as you are!