It's not surprising to see that there are new and more advanced methods to search and social marketing on the web. What makes these forms of marketing so unique, and possibly more profitable, is their ability to maintain a reciprocal conversation with their target audiences. This allows the webmaster to virally market their websites through the buzz that is created. When ideas or suggestions are presented to the right forums, it can provide a significant increase in traffic to a person's site.
Social-influenced page-ranking is the link arrangement of the web that establishes the most reliable pages. As with any marketing today, a certain percentage of free advertising is automatically covered by word-of-mouth—whether it's done by conversations between friends and family, or between co-workers and acquaintances. A simple conversation can get a product or website more recognition than any ad. With social-influenced age-ranking, Google believes that most folks would give more authority, or place more importance, over a page that a friend has visited. What Google wants to do is to take-in the web history and then let the data speak for itself and guide the rankings.
A few companies, or sites, where you can find and use social searches today are Eurekster, Mahalo, Wikia Search, Delver, and These companies may offer shared bookmarks, tagging of content, and may also combine sophistication where human intelligence is mixed with computer algorithms to influence your page ranking.
There are many benefits, and only a few concerns, about using search and social marketing as a way to get your website better ranked on search engine sites. Using social searches will allow a person to rely on link structure of webpages less, and the user feels more comfortable knowing that their search results have a greater significance because the results have been chosen by other users. There is also voting system that allows a user to rank the sights they have been using to further a site's reputation and climb up on the ranking ladder. One downside to social searches is the fact that spam will be able to easily squeeze itself into the searches due to the fact that users are allowed to add results to the search engine directly.
One of the biggest advantages in social marketing is the word-of-mouth effect and the "trusted sites" effect that is going to influence the user behavior. If your friends are recommending a product or a service there are a higher level of trust to the vendor offering the services. This trust is probably representing the most important factor in a decision process choosing between two or more products.
Social searches may benefit internet marketers by attracting more traffic to websites. Surprising to some, they also increase acknowledgment by word-of-mouth between friends, family, and acquaintances. Traffic from links, tagging and book marking, and reputation management are other key positive features of using social searches. It seems that social searches are going to be paving the wave into the future for improved search and marketing techniques.
For anyone that has an existing site, or plans to create one in the future, it's best to do your research on the subject in order to get optimal hits and traffic drawn to your site.
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