Smaller than 100 nanometers, this is the branch of engineering that deals with the manipulation of individual molecules.
Nanotechnology is the science and technology of precisely manipulating the structure of matter at the molecular level. The term nanotechnology embraces many different fields and specialties, including engineering, chemistry, electronics, and medicine, among others, but all are concerned with bringing existing technologies down to a very small scale, measured in nanometers.
It is difficult to comprehend a nanometer - or one billionth of a meter. It is actualloy about the size of six carbon atoms in a row. Scientists can no pick up individual atoms to assemble them into simple structures or cause specific chemical reactions. In contrast to the past, most industrial products are/were created by pushing piles of millions of atoms together. (The prefix nano- comes from the Greek word nanos, which meant "little old man" or "dwarf.") Propellers have been attached to molecular motors, and electricity has been conducted through nanowires. Nanotubes made of carbon are being investigated for a variety of industrial and research purposes.
Harnessing the forces that operate at the scale of the nanometer, such as the van der Waals force, as well as changes in the quantum states of particles, the new engineering purposes are vast. Great promise is held out for improvments in the quality of life, the least of which are the treatments of disease and greater efficiency in computer data storage and processing.
Tiny autonomous robots, or nanobots, were once the stuff of science fiction. We may one day be able to send these into human bodies to repair cells and cure cancers, perhaps even extending the human life span by many years. The complexity of course is far beyond what current technology provides, but well within the realm of possibility.
Emphasizing the need for caution in its development, some scientists see a dark side to this technology. Consider the attempt to create nanobots that can replicate themselves like living organisms.
"Quoted from"
So how does this apply to the hair and salon industry? Quite nicely I suggest.
Molecules of current size are limited in their ability to penetrate the hair shaft have been limited to the delicate game of chemical invasion by way of perms and colors. Shampoo and conditioning products have historically performed their job topically and have had limited ability to do much else.
Professional hair care products have always relied on the process of opening up the hair shaft chemically, facilitating the color or perm process, then "neutralizing" or stopping the chemical process thus halting the action.
This process is always followed by copious amounts of conditioners, detangler, and a wide array of smoothing products to try to return the hair shaft to it's original state - that of being smooth with a tight cuticle layer that does it's job of reflecting light and resulting in healthy, shiny, soft hair.
Enter Nanotechnology. We can anticipate professional hair care products to move light years beyond what we have experienced for the past few decades. We will be able to much more efficiently restore maximum health and shine.
Molecules that measure a billionth of a meter - are far more capable of follicle penetration than anyone ever imagined just a few short years ago. As this science progresses, we will see every major professional hair care product manufacturer embrace this technology and the quality of their offerings will only improve as a result.
Nanoworks - the standard by which competing products are measured, is by far the industry leader. Pureology has set the bar very high and it will be some time before their competitors catch up. Their Nanoworks Shampoo and Conditioner, along with their NanoGlaze, Nanoworks Restorative Treatment, Nanoworks ShineLuxe, and NanoWax - all synonymous with high quality and luxurious professional hair care products.
Though these products are by far our most luxurious and expensive, we find at that the premium price does not deter our customers at all. Overwhelming positive feedback and excellent results are all we hear in return for the premium price.
So as we see professional hair care products move from the simple world of healthful, pH balanced formulations that we have all come to recognize since the heyday of Vidal Sassoon, we will see the majority of major players embrace this new Nanotechnology and bring even better and broader lines - stay tuned.
Sebastian Professional Hair Products
It's easy to find quality hair products without going to your beauty salon. Just head to your local drugstore or grocery store and you will see the vast array of shampoos, conditioners and styling products. But...are they quality products?
The difference in salon hair products and your drugstore hair products are too numerous to mention here. Assuming you know and respect the differences, this article is to simply help you find the best hair care suppliers online.
Hair care doesn't stop with shampoos, conditioners, and styling products anymore. Professional hairdryers and hair straighteners are becoming more and more popular to have in the home. You can find them online too! How about brushes, rollers and other hair accessories? Most hair supply stores don't stop with the basics anymore!
The internet gives you more choices than you could ever find on foot. Just do a search for "fine hair shampoo" or "hard holding hairspray." Chances are you will have many online stores to choose from!
You will get different results depending on the search terms you use:
1. Hair care products (general)
2. Fine hair products (search by hair type)
3. Molding wax (product idea)
4. Alterna (brand names)
5. Fine hair products (search by hair type)
Here are some important things to look for when shopping for professional hair products online:
1. Better Business Bureau. Are they a member? This is a good test to see how honest they intend to be with your personal information.
2. Secure server. Look for the signs and ask for proof if necessary. You don't need your credit card information all over the web!
3. Customer comments or store reviews. If someone else has had a poor experience wouldn't you like to know about it first?
4. Customer service link. This shouldn't be hard to find. It should have all the company information including their contact information, store policies and guarantee. They should also have a physical address. If not you may wonder why they are hiding?
5. Toll-Free numbers. What if you don't want to use the shopping cart? If they are thinking of your potential needs, a toll free number is something they will readily have for you so you can place your order on the phone.
6. Customer retention program. Do you get additional discounts for ordering a larger quantity or ordering more frequently?
7. Free shipping. This is nice but be careful. Some websites will promise free shipping only to charge higher prices for the products to make up for it.
These are just a few pointers to help you find hair products online. Happy shopping!
Both Richard Palmer & Sherri Dejager are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Richard Palmer has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hair Care, Beauty Tips and Hair Care. Before you buy Professional hair care products on the web, make sure and check out this informative free report on Nanotechnology and professional hair care products,. Richard Palmer's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Richard Palmer to your Favourites.
Sherri Dejager has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hair Care, Beauty Tips. Jodi is a beauty care specialist with where you can find all your professional hair products.. Sherri Dejager's top article generates over 480 views. Bookmark Sherri Dejager to your Favourites.