The way you light up your home can change entirely the way it looks and can create a completely different setting to reflect the aura of mystique or sophistication you might want on occasion. Sound expensive? It needn't be- all you need is a new lamp or two not only to just light up your room, but to add a bit of razzmatazz and a dash of glamour to your home. The bad old days when lamps were just lamps used only to dispel darkness at nightfall have long since been banished.
A halogen lamp is a fine product; it not only provides matchless lighting for work areas, but also looks valuable. A halogen lamp is great as it uses tungsten as its light source, which is a gas tool that uses a quartz bulb. Earlier halogen lamps were boring and ordinary, but now they are stylish.
You'll need to use lamps for their lighting purpose but this doesn't mean that you can't have fun buying them and adding them to your home. Gone are the days when you buy a couple of lamps at the store and put them on matching side tables. Here are some ideas of how you can perk up a room with your choice of a lamp.
Perhaps you own a nice collection of shells or stones that you need to display to their best advantage. In that case, all you need to do is to get a lamp with a clear base from a craft's shop. Now arrange your collection in an attractive way in the base and voila! You have created a beautiful lamp, as an extension of your own unique personality, which is bound to be the topic of conversation at your next dinner party.
Buying new lampshades for your old lamps is another way to change the lighting in a room. There are so many lampshades that you can choose from to create any type of atmosphere. You can buy a lampshade or make one to fit your exact decorating needs.
Blast from the past, is the catch phrase for lamps nowadays. Retro lamps are back in a big way; a little cleaning and touch up would make them look good and lively again. Besides the lamp style even old colors are in fashion again, such as dark orange and rust colors.
You don't have to spend a fortune to buy a new lamp for your home. All you need is a little imagination and some time to create some fun and exciting lamps and lampshades.
Copyright 2006, Lucy Helderson, All Rights Reserved. This article may be published on web sites or in newsletters provided this notice and the resource box is included without ammendment.
Lucy Helderson has sinced written about articles on various topics from Interior Design, Family. Lucy Helderson runs the FL Lamp, web site that focuses on a range of resources about buying lamps. For more details, go to:. Lucy Helderson's top article generates over 2400 views. Bookmark Lucy Helderson to your Favourites.
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