Up to 50% of women suffer significant hair loss by the age of 60. This statistic is already bad, but it's only going to get worse! There are the reasons why:
1. More Women Delay Having Children Until They're Much Older
2. Stress
3. Poor Nutrition
4. The Menopause
5. An Ageing Population
1. More women delay having children until they're much older
This is an increasing trend, many women preferring instead to concentrate on a career first. Unfortunately, this delay can affect the female body's ability to restore its normal hormone balance following the upheaval of pregnancy and childbirth.
Basically, an older body is more likely to have a slower metabolism or inadequate hormone levels than a younger, healthier body. And this problem can be made even worse due to the hormone fluctuations caused by a late pregnancy. During pregnancy, female hormone levels increase (which usually causes the hair to grow extremely well). But, after pregnancy there is a corresponding decrease in female hormone levels. This reduction can then cause female hair loss to start, and temporary or long-term hair loss may result.
Note: women of any age might also experience hair loss following pregnancy. In fact, up to 50% of women experience hair loss following childbirth. In most cases, it does regrow.
2. Stress
Increased levels of physical, chemical and emotional stress can be experienced by anyone living today's hectic lifestyle.
Physical and chemical stress can come from many sources - pollutants within the environment, a junk food diet, perfumes, household products, etc. All these things are unnatural, and can accumulate inside a body trying to maintain optimal health.
Emotional stress can build up slowly or quickly due to pressure at work, stressful relationships, home life, etc.
Whatever the type of stress involved, it can seriously disrupt hormone balance, and have a devastating effect on health. The health of your body is reflected in the health of your hair. So, if your body becomes ill, your hair is often the first to show it. Year on year, if stress builds up, this can cause female hair loss to increase.
3. Poor nutrition
As the obesity problem continues to increase in the West, so do the problems associated with it. Conditions like Type II diabetes, heart disease and hair loss are all rising due to the typical junk food diet enjoyed by Western societies.
And, as other countries embrace the Western diet, these conditions are now becoming increasingly common there too. (The typical Japanese diet of fish, rice, etc, is progressively giving way to a typical junk food diet, and Japanese men and women are experiencing a significant increase in hair loss as a direct result).
Women are far more likely to try weight loss programmes than men. However, by complying with such strict weight loss regimes, you might also adversely affect hormone production and balance. And, as has already been stated, hormone imbalance can upset hair growth. In other words, crash diets might only make your hair loss problem worse!
4. The menopause
Following the menopause, the concentration of the oestrogen dramatically decreases. This drop may be large enough to allow testosterone (which can cause female hair loss as well as male baldness) to manifest itself on a woman's body.
Many women undergo hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after the menopause. This is to replace the oestrogen that their body subsequently lacks with something that will slow down the symptoms of ageing (including osteoporosis).
However, women should be aware of exactly what they're putting into their bodies. Typically, HRT drugs containprogestogen (a synthetic version of the female hormone progesterone). However, progestogen is made from testosterone!
This means that thousands of women using HRT drugs to substitute their oestrogen deficiency are in fact replacing it with a derivative of a male androgen. The symptoms of which include hair loss!
5. An ageing population
People today are living much longer than ever. Statistically, the percentage of older people is increasing (when compared to the younger population). In consequence of this increase in longevity, the previous four reasons will, obviously, apply to more people.
Women generally live longer than men (by about four years on average). So, not only is there an increasing number of elderly people, but most of these will be women. However, due to a larger increase in obesity and smoking amongst women relative to men, it may well be that this life expectancy gap will reduce in the future.
Hair loss that appears to result from the ageing process is simply a reflection of the inability an older body has to grow hair as well as it used to.
For further illustrated details, visit http://www.top-hair-loss-remedy.com/cause-female-hair-loss.html
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