January22, 2009? In response to the new United Nations report "Children inArmed Conflict", Plan Canada urges the Security Council to domore than simply debate the issue when it meets in New York in aspecial session on February 12. Urgent action is needed to defuse aticking time bomb of traumatized and alienated child soldiers, oftenkidnapped by armed groups and brainwashed to become brutal killers.
The SecretaryGeneral's report (published January 30) highlights conflicts incountries such as Uganda, Sudan, Colombia, Sri Lanka and Sierra Leoneand others ? all countries where Plan works. Findingsinclude:
child victimsof conflict ? both girls and boys - endure unimaginableexperiences that leave them traumatized and vulnerable to furtherabuse;
children inrefuge camps are at particular risk of abduction, as well as rapeand other forms of physical and mental abuse;
not enough isbeing done to give former child soldiers real hope for the future;
the systematicand deliberate attacks on schoolchildren, teachers and schoolbuildings have escalated in certain countries.
Plan Canada calls onthe international community to provide additional funding forprojects to help former child soldiers reintegrate into society. Moremust also be done to protect children from abduction by armed groups.Solutions require real actions. Plan has now moved into threeprovinces in Northern Uganda to rebuild communities destroyed after20 years of vicious civil war. In addition to rebuilding basicinfrastructure, Plan's work also focuses on conflict resolution andthe reintegration of child soldiers and abducted girls back intosociety.
"Even a simplething like training a young person to drive a truck gives them hopethat they can once again become a valuable part of their community, "said McCarney.
Rosemary McCarneyhas traveled to Northern Uganda and to Sudan, including Darfur, andcan provide valuable insight into the plight of child soldiers andtheir communities.
PlanCanada is an international child-centered development agency thatoperates in 66 countries across the world, with no political orreligious affiliations.Please visit the website athttp://www.plancanada.ca/sponsorachild
Short Film Before Up
Smallville star Allison Mack recently took a short break to cater to her other artistic skills such as film making. The young actress who plays Chloe Sullivan on Smallville took some time off to star in a short film entitled Alice and Huck, which was written by R.W. Gray and directed by Kaleena Kiff, two of Mack's best friends. The film is a labor of love, as she hopes to raise money to complete post-production work in time to sent it to various film festivals around the country. Fans probably couldn't wait to see Mack in the upcoming short, so a teaser clip has been released online.
AllisonMack.com describes the movie as "a short film that explores desire and missed connections in a universe where it's possible to try and try again."
Moreover, Mack recently talked about the joy of making the film in a post on her official website. She wrote, "It felt so good to be a part of a project from its inception, to be a part of creating something from start to finish and really feel like I was a part of the whole process. I can't tell you all how incredibly fulfilling this was. I so encourage all of you to be a part of something like this at some point in your life. Find the thing that you love doing, the thing that you feel the most inspired and excited by? And do it!"
"It was the most amazing experience I have had in a very long time! To be a part of a team of people doing what they love only because they love it was so inspiring and exciting!" Mack said.
As a fund-raiser, Mack is selling Alice & Huck promotional items such as t-shirts which cost $25, and a sponsorship package worth $500. Currently, they have raised $4529.03, just another $3000 short of her $7500 goal. For more details about the film and to get an insight on Mack's current projects, log on to AllisonMack.com.
Both Rahul & Groshan Fabiola are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Rahul has sinced written about articles on various topics from Internet Marketing, Travel and Leisure and Real Estate. Plan world's largest development organizations working in more than 65 countries believe no child should be without food, clean water, shelter, education, basic health care, the opportunity to contribute to society. We make it possible for people living i. Rahul's top article generates over 90500 views. Bookmark Rahul to your Favourites.
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