1.Timeshares are expensive, regardless of what the developer or resort salesperson tells you. They have numerous marketing and administrative costs, which are absorbed into the cost of the timeshare. This makes for a terrible ROI because you will never be able to recoup these costs.
2.Timeshares have high maintenance fees. Sure, they might start out low, but you can be sure that they will increase over time; sometimes so much your little piece of heaven is barely affordable.
3.It is difficult to exchange your weeks and your destination. If you want to travel to a different resort, or change the date that you travel, you are at the mercy of the other resorts, and the other travelers. You will have to provide at least 3 choices and the chances of you getting your first choice is always slim to none. It largely depends on what season you are traveling in and how busy the resort is.
4.It can be difficult to receive financing. Banks and lenders don't like the prospect of giving you a mortgage for a property that you only have access to a couple of weeks a year and may not even be deeded to you. There are financial companies that specialize in timeshare purchases, but watch their terms and interest rates.
5.Selling your timeshare will be difficult. As stated above, you will never recoup your initial costs. Even knowing this, sellers commonly price their timeshares too high, and buyers are not interested in purchasing anything above market value. Why purchase something now that you will have difficulty selling later?
6.You don't really know the area. How do you know you are going to like your vacation destination after only spending a few days or a couple of weeks there? How well have you gotten to know the area, or the country for that matter? How do you know you aren't booking vacation time in their rainy or stormy season? You may find that the city has a high rate of crime, or that the country has very strict laws. (Did you know that in some countries it is illegal to chew gum in public?) This is not something that salespeople will willingly divulge to you.
It is important to find out as much as you can before purchasing. Search the internet, read the news and go to your local library to scour all the publications and news articles. Talk to other timeshare owners and get their feedback. You will want to read the Timeshare News, published by Apex Professionals LLC. Apex Professionals will provide you with everything you need to know. Timeshare News is a (weekly/monthly) publication. Ask questions, and make sure you get answers that make sense to you. Don't let salespeople just skim over contracts and clauses and pressure you into signing something you don't fully understand.
Kris Roadruck has sinced written about articles on various topics from Vacation. Kris Roadruck is author of this article on Apex Professionals LLC. Find more information about. Kris Roadruck's top article generates over 880 views. Bookmark Kris Roadruck to your Favourites.
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