Acne is one of the most worries for teenagers. They look around for skin care products for acne treatment. There are lot of skin care products available for acne treatment. However using any such skin care product for acne treatment without prior knowledge of skin care product and its features, it is risky to use it for your skin. It may harm your skin. So it is a must to know details of such skin care products for your acne treatment. Better to consultant with some expert dealing in skin care product and acne treatment.
Therapysystems not only deals in serious skin care and other beauty products but are also providing free consultation and awareness for serious skin care. These tips are freely available on their web site.
There is, however, no actual definition of natural according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). All ingredients are chemicals by definition. "Derived" ingredients are unnatural both according to the original substance and the method of derivation.
The term natural has considerable market value in promoting skin care cosmetic products to consumers, but dermatologists say it has very little medical meaning and the FDA states the claim has no legal meaning. Despite pressure from advocacy groups such as The Environmental Working Group (EWG) the FDA has not defined what natural is or how to achieve it. Contrary to popular belief the FDA does not regulate the sale of skin care and cosmetic products before they are sold.
The FDA recommends understanding the ingredient label and says "There is no list of ingredients that can be guaranteed not to cause allergic reactions, so consumers who are prone to allergies should pay careful attention to what they use on their skin", further warning that "[t]here is no basis in fact or scientific legitimacy to the notion that products containing natural ingredients are good for the skin".
Skin Products For Acne
Although acne is generally considered to be an 'oily skin' problem caused by excess sebum production, those with dry skin are just as susceptible. In fact, it is possible that that adult acne - now affecting about 20 percent of the population and climbing - is caused by years of using harsh skin care treatment products that eventually result in dry skin, which then leads to acne. Acne treatment products then further dry the skin and you're off into the vicious cycle of the cure becoming the cause. How do you handle this? As always, prevention is the easiest route - best done by choosing skin care treatment products that don't cause dry skin or other damage - but, no matter what your skin type, if you understand what causes acne, you will find it much easier to prevent, and cure. Here's how it works.
The skin is naturally designed to protect itself: the surface consists of natural oils and dead skin cells that, together, form a protective layer that prevents damage and repels bacteria. If your skin is oily, the pores can become clogged with excess oil. If your skin is dry, the pores can become clogged with excess dead skin cells. No matter what your skin type, the process from that point is the same: the clogged pores then develop into blackheads or whiteheads that get infected with bacteria, become inflamed and turn into the pimples or pustules known as acne.
Skin care treatments for acne invariably make the underlying problem worse: they usually contain sulfur, resorcinol or benzyl peroxide, all of which dry up excess oils but, in the process, cause dry skin. So, even though your acne may have started because your skin was oily, it will now continue because your skin is dry. You've traded one problem for another. In fact, you've actually added another problem: because dry skin is easily creased and develops fine lines and wrinkles, you've also accelerated the aging process. Blotting the excess oil may be just as effective and doesn't make the situation worse.
Truthfully, if we simply stopped using harsh, chemical cleansing and other skin products, the incidence of acne would be greatly reduced. Switch to mild skin care treatment products that don't damage the skin and you could save yourself or your teenager the discomfort and embarrassment of acne and the problem of finding a cure.
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-- -- has sinced written about articles on various topics from . Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for The National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visithttp://www.skincarenet. -- --'s top article . Bookmark -- -- to your Favourites.
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