incorporate the different variety and styles from the
wide range of countries martial arts come from. Being
able to train in martial arts increases physical fitness
and muscular endurance levels too. Today I would like
to talk about reality based self defense designed for
street combat.
Here are some rules of street self defense:
#1 - Never take the street fight to the ground. Your
opponent could have friends that can out muscle you, stomp you and knock you unconscious. If you have a chance to get up and leave the combat circle the better. Keep the self defense fighting on the feet.
#2 - Don't use all your power on your lead strike. Most
martial artists attack with all the power and ability in
the first strike they throw. The key is to quickly adapt
and throw a barrage of martial arts strikes with intensity
and the ability to break leverage and control over your
attacker in a street self defense scenario.
#3 - Always be aware of your surroundings. If you can be
aware and keep an attack from happening in the first place will save you alot of stress and pain. Being aware of your surroundings like looking behind you via car windows and store front windows, listening to the sounds and being
consciously aware of shady people will keep you safer.
#4 - Be properly self defense stress trained and prepared. You must actually practice combat under stressful conditions and adapt and get used to being hit and overcome the fear of taking blows. You can read all the articles and books you want, but without sparring your training will be in vain.
#5 - Have an arsenal of fighting techniques that don't
require much effort or strength. I have been in alot of
life threatening street scenarios and would like to remind
you whats easy and works are the only things you need for your arsenal of self defense techniques.
I would just like to point out I have produced a free
6 page report with combat psychology and proper self
defense training techniques you can download free at:
To make things easier, grab the best techniques from every martial arts style you try and use them when you are
practicing. Unfortunately, on the street you won't be able
to do a full martial arts technique and crazy Hollywood style self defensemoves. That's why it's best to try different
self defense techniques and martial arts.
Martial arts should be about self defense and using what works in real life hand to hand combat. Another thing you should practice while training martial arts and self defense is of course weight training and doing exercise on a daily basis, to better prepare yourself for any forms of attack.
Street Fight Self Defense
The rise in popularity of MMA and Jiu-Jitsu has increased public awareness of martial arts and created a current wave of martial arts enthusiasts. However, an unfortunate side effect of this popular martial arts movement is that the average person sees tournaments such as the UFC and thinks that self defense works like the fights that occur in the ring or octagon. Nothing could be further from the truth.
By street self defense I am not referring to a school yard fist fight whereby the loser gets a black eye and the winner gets to be the school champion or bully for a few days. By real street self defense I am referring to situations where there is no ring, no referees, no friends around to help you and to stop the situation before it gets to far out of control and no one to stop the attacker from beating you to death after you have been knocked down half unconscious. In fact in real street self defense the attacker may be armed with a knife or gun and the friends who are around may be his accomplices who are helping him to beat you to death. Also, in real street situations attacks happen without warning or provocation. Just being in the wrong place at the wrong time and having something that a criminal wants is enough to draw a vicious and unrelenting attack from someone who is experienced and who is larger, stronger, younger, faster, better armed and more ready for a conflict at this moment than you. As a teacher I always imagine one of my students who is female about 5'2 and weighs about 105 pounds and is over 45 years old (but looks 10 years younger than she is) being attacked by a 19 -23 year old, 250 lb male who is muscle bound and freshly out of prison with rape and killing on his mind. His legs are nearly as big as her whole body. Is she going to out box him? When he begins attacking her is she going to be able to grapple with him in a realistic way that will allow her any advantage before he pounds her into submission? If he has a weapon or friends will boxing, MMA or Jiu-jitsu give her any skills that will really help her deal with this attack? The sports mentality is one of ?Get in there and fight!?. Does this sound like her smartest strategy in this situation? A ring/cage/octagon fighter may train some awareness skills but not the kind that is designed to help you recognize potential attackers in real life because in the ring it is very obvious who you are fighting, where they are before the fight begins and that they are there to fight you. The nice benefit for you in a ring fight is that at almost anytime you want you can simply yell, ?I quit? and leave and the fight is over. Obviously this is quite different from a real street attack.
Please see our article ?Attacks Vs Fist Fights and Posturing.?
To Be continued in ?Why MMA is NOT Street Self Defense! Part 2?
Both Steve Gib & Richard Clear are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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