Effective sunburn relief begins with products formulated to not only cool burning skin, but those with active ingredients to heal the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers.
Anesthetic properties relieve pain temporarily and can provide comfort and relief for severe sunburn, but effective treatment requires deep moisture and healing for proper skin cell development.
Ingredients such as Lidocaine, Emu Oil, Aloe and Menthol all have cooling properties and are known to provide pain relief while adding antiseptic and anti-inflammatory assistance.
What Causes Sunburn?
Simply put, overexposure to the sun's UV rays, primarily overexposure to UVB - considered the "burning rays" of the sun. Blistering and reddening of the skin is caused by increased blood circulation close to the skin's surface as the body defends itself from damage.
Burns may begin a few minutes after exposure and may continue for days as Melanin in the epidermis absorbs UVA and UVB radiation. Though UVB rays can tan, they are the primary cause of sunburn and may lead to skin cancer.
Treating and Preventing Sunburn
While avoiding direct exposure to the sun is the best prevention, wearing adequate clothing - long sleeved shirts, hats, and pants - is the best prevention for extremities. Light colored clothing helps reflect heat and the sun's rays.
Sunscreen is recommended - SPF30 or higher is generally best for prolonged exposure. When applying sunscreen, be careful to get your ears, face, hands, feet and under your chin and neck. More often than not, well-meaning parents and sun bathers "miss a spot" leading to a painful burn - or at least, some very interesting tanning patterns?!
If you have a sunburn, products that provide deep moisture and cell healing are recommended. Emu Oil has been used to treat burns in Australia for thousands of years. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anesthetic, and antibacterial properties that help heal.
It is transdermal in nature, meaning it penetrates deep into the multiple layers of the skin and is a "carrier" of active ingredients, generally improving their effectiveness. Menthol is also an anesthetic and helps block receptors providing a cooling effect to burns. Though temporary, the relief is welcome for severe sunburn treatment.
Aloe is also excellent at cooling while naturally healing. Who hasn't cut off a piece of Aloe to help with a burn at the beach? Aloe juice extract provides cooling and healing without the skin tightening effect of the of the plants fluids.
If sunburned, consider the following:
Drink plenty of fluids to remain hydrated
Dab or pat a cool, wet compress against the damaged skin
For severe burns, use Lidocaine or Aloe Vera as an anesthetic and antiseptic
Avoid peeling, exposed skin can become infected
Apply a moisturizing cream for hydration. Hydration promotes faster healing and helps ward off bacteria
For sunburn relief, the most effective skin care products contain formulations with Emu Oil, Aloe Vera, and Menthol to not only soothe and cool burns, but to provide long-term healing and repair of damaged skin.
Tim Faber has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hair Styles, Womens Health and Hair Care. Former IBM executive and skin care products entreprenuer, Tim Faber has acquired, started or invested in over eight companies since 1987 and has been involved in numerous boards and charities, including the SC Philharmonic. Tim is presi. Tim Faber's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Tim Faber to your Favourites.
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