Ninety-seven percent of all network marketers fail, many because they are not equipped and prepared to build a successful business. Most people in the home based business industry start their business with a goal to find financial freedom and time freedom. The few that succeed enjoy true independence.
Have you found yourself spending yourself out of business; buying expensive leads, useless e-books or placing unproductive ads? Stop flushing your money down the toilet.
Are you discouraged and thinking that you're just not cut out for this business? You ask, "Why can't I recruit just one person?"
It's not you. It's the industry. No one is born knowing how to become a successful network marketer. Network marketing is a simple business but it is not an easy business.
Okay, so you have placed killer ads, you have written great articles, joined groups, started a blog. You've done everything your upline leader has told you. I'ts been months, and you still have not seen the "fruit of your labor".
What is wrong? Why haven't you had any success? Are you the only sucker that isn't making money? Your upline sponsor is making thousands, why not you?
It's not you and I can help.
The first step to improve your conversion rate in the network marketing or internet marketing business is to learn how to identify your target market.
This is very important. Do not skip this step, it is the foundation of your entire marketing system.
Let me ask you this; can you sell dentures to a man who has a nice set of teeth? Can you sell a steak to a vegetarian? How about diet pills to a skinny person? No! That's because a man with a nice set of teeth does not need dentures. nor the vegetarian a steak, the skinny person does not want diet pills! You would have a much better chance to sell dentures to a toothless man, steak to a meat eater, and diet pills to an overweight person. Here's the secret: give them what THEY want. Target Marketing, you bet.
Here's how:
In a nutshell, you tell or show your targeted market that you have what they are searching for. Let them know that you have what they are looking for. Only speak to those who are interested.
For instance, network marketers understand the concept of network marketing and the way it works. But just try to recruit your family, friends,and neighbors? Will they buy? Most likely not. NO way. They will run the other way and stop taking your phone calls. Why? Because they are not your target market, if you want to succeed, show your business to people who are looking for a business. How that's done is a different subject for another article.
Are you targeting those who want a business or your product or your family, friends, and neighbors. Are you mis-targeting your market? That doesn't mean you can't talk to your family, friends, and neighbors about your business. Do so, but only when the opportunity shows itself. Your main focus should be marketing to those looking for what you are promoting. Stop beating your head against the wall, stop convincing and start attracting. This applies to any product or service you represent. If your product is health and nutrition products then you know you should market to health conscious people, and people who are already spending money on health products.
Focus your marketing efforts to find the people who are looking for you and your products. Look for lookers. Distinguish yourself from the pack by solving their problem. Know your target market.
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