The diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - (Adhd) is divided into 4 very straightforward steps:
Step 1 Look out for warning signals.
Step 2 Exclude other medical conditions
Step 3 Add an dispassionate review
Step 4 Examine the history particularly areas relevant to Attention Deficit Disorder
Note: I will use young adolescents as an example but the diagnosis is easily extrapolated to the adult. For example an under function at school for a young kid is like an under function at work for an adult so please adapt to your situation and if you can't understand how it works email me :) I'm here to help
Step 1: Alarm Indicators
Usually there are 2 particular alarm signals that should make you think Attention Deficit Disorder With/out Hyperactivity:
* When a child significantly under functions at school despite normal intellectual capabilities. It is important to rule out learning disorders but that is step 2.
* When a young child behaves in a way that is considerably unacceptable based on the standard of parenting and home environment. This simply means that the young adolescent should be within normal behavioural boundaries for his/her age group and family situation. Obviously normal is hard to define so again the line is indistinct But you and I are both used to that idea by now.
Under function at school is usually the first presenting problem. Most fathers of Attention Deficit Disorder children seek help after the start of schooling years. The teacher is often bewildered as this young child appears clever but is unable to meet expectations.
In most cases, the teacher initiates the first step and arranges for a child psychologist, or perhaps more common an educational psychologist to test the overall intellect of the child and to exclude specific learning disabilities.
The results show a degree of failure which is not in keeping with the intellect and specific learning disorders. In other words they suspect that there might be something else ‘troubling’ the young kid. AD/D then becomes the primary consideration.
Unexpected behavioural problems at home tend to be a rather vague symptom to look for. At home the Attention Deficit Disorder With/Without Hyperactivity children have equal love and discipline, yet one child seem to stand out as many times more difficult.
The mothers will be making heavy weather of management due to a cluster of telltale Attention Deficit Disorder - (Add)D behaviours. Once alerted to the possibility of ADHD, it is time to move to STEP 2.
Step 2: Exclude false positives:
It is amazing that clinicians are able to differentiate between Add and ADD look-alikes.
Many academic journal articles imply that Attention Deficit Disorder With/out Hyperactivity is easily confused with a long list of different medical complaints. This is most definitely true on paper and in practice. The reason for this is simply and you know it well. The symptoms and signs are too fuzzy!
Many psychiatrists however will tell you that they can tell without a shadow of a doubt that you child is suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - (Adhd)…then they will go on to say something along the lines of ‘but they have a mild degree of learning disability as well.’
So much for the specificity. As a father, please don’t get caught up in the detail. Just know that in clinical procedures, they always try to exclude (to the best of their abilities) any other cause for the behaviour.
Here are some of the most commonly quoted AD-HD look-alikes.
Normal active preschooler. The hearing impaired child, intellectually disabled child, specific learning disabilities (which strangely enough was part of the associated symptoms with Attention Deficit Disorder - (Add)), autism, brain injury, epilepsy, childhood depression, family dysfunction and the list goes on and on and on.
If you really want to find out the possible look-alikes I have an extensive list at my site.
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