The only down side of visiting the many art museums of the world for the family is that the adults tend to be the ones that get the enjoyment and the children are simply along for the ride. Children do not seem to get much of a thrill out of sight attractions. They are a hands-on type of person. If they cannot touch it, play with it, and actually get involved with it, then they get little joy out of it. This makes the average art museum more of a job than a valid attraction for the parents with restless children. At the Denver Art Museum in Denver Colorado, however, there is something for the entire family to enjoy.
First, to accent just how much the Denver Art Museum wants to educate the children and instill in them a true love of art, it is important to know that children five years of age or younger always get in free. This fine not for profit establishment feels that the passion for visual arts starts at a young age. There are many wonderful attractions here just for the kids. There are art tubes and digital Gallery Games on the first floor, giving the children a good beginning start to their artistic adventure. In this area the whole family will walk through a child oriented gallery where your kids actually make the art on display. And while the parents are visiting the parts of the museum that are more adult oriented, the museum supplies a Game Boy for the children to play along the way so that they do not get bored.
For the artistic appreciative parents, there is always a new and exciting exhibit moving through this museum and some very nice permanent collections, such as that of carver Olowe Ise. This wood working master artisan was, during his lifetime, the choice of the wealthy and royal when it came to decorating their various homes and castles. The post sized carvings were warriors and Spartans in form as well as the occasional more unusual carvings. Olowe Ise was said to always have a statement in his artwork. Perhaps you can figure it out?
Then there is the North American Indian art collection. This massive collection is considered to be one of the premier ones of the United States, focusing more on the artistic aspect of the ancient civilization more so than the historic. Over eighteen thousand pieces of Native American art reside here, dating back to over two thousand years ago. Among the many different aspects of art that the Native American citizens created on a day-to-day basis, you will find Ceramics, Pottery, textiles, Sculpture, paintings, and beadwork, and even the art of flint knapping, the creating of stone weaponry.
Finally, an art museum that the parents can enjoy without the children constantly yelling, "Are we leaving yet," and one that the kids can enjoy at the same time. Denver Colorado invites you to get a taste of more than twenty centuries of true artistic genius at the Denver Art Museum.
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