If you have been in business for any length of time at all, you have probably tried a little bit of everything to get the word out about you business. It can be very frustrating at times when you sit and wonder at the impact you have made (or haven't made) on your target audience. If you ran an ad in the local newspaper, for instance, it may have sold ten thousand copies the day your ad ran but you have no way of knowing who read it, who even saw it, what they thought about it or anything else.
The only measuring stick you have to gauge the effectiveness with is in how many direct calls you got from it. The same scenario plays out for radio and television advertising as well. Not much feedback to go on there. Nothing nags at us as much as the knowledge that something is amiss but not knowing exactly what it is.
The key to getting the desired response from your target audience is as much in what they want as in who they are. That may be the factor separating you from a sale. So, not being mind readers, how can we find out what our target audience is interested in? It is not as hard as you might think. You simply marry your article marketing program with your email advertising campaigns.
Here is how it works in a nutshell:
You write and distribute a good consistent supply of articles relevant to your product or services. Have the links on your article point to a page on your site that offers them some incentive for registering, say a free ebook, whitepaper or a newsletter. Make sure this is an opt-in offer and extend them a right of refusal that sends them on to your site's home page. You don't want to appear pushy. Scatter several more opportunities around your site to opt-in to registration. If they opt-in, you now have an email address to do follow-up marketing. If they don't, then at least they have your name on their minds and may return later.
One way to ensure a return visit is to keep good, fresh relevant content in front of them, both on your site and in your email newsletters or advertising campaigns. There are several state-of-the-art technologies that allow you to track which articles sent them to your site to start with, what pages they visited while they were there, the open-ratio for email newsletters, the click-through ratio for the links in your emails as well as general demographic information. You can take it even further and use capabilities that allow you to "look into" your site and actually follow your visitors from page to page and even initiate a one-on-one dialogue with them. You are limited only by your own imagination.
Not only do you pinpoint your target audience in this way but also know better where to seek them out and what type of content entices them to visit your site. Gear your articles to that end. Give them what they want and they will return again. Return visits convert to sales. Like the old saying goes, "If you hang around a barber shop long enough, sooner or later you're going to get a haircut."
The Good Of Marriage
It is absolutely right that the perfect wedding proposals must be simple and straight from the heart, but it is also very necessary to enhance the idea with certain things that add to the allure. You don't want your marriage idea to look and sound boring. For all you know, that could make the idea fall flat on its face, and that could even be the end of a beautiful friendship.
That is the reason why you must take care how you package the wedding plan. If you are getting the impression that I am treating your proposal like a product in the market, you are certainly getting the wrong drift. What I mean is that you need to convert your marriage proposal into a success. And for that, you will need some frills to make it work.
The first thing people think of is, what they will wear on that day. Clothes are important because they will dictate the way you will appear when you propose. My suggestion is to wear loose fitting comfortable clothes that are light in weight and compliment your body well. You don't want to wear the wrong kind of clothes and then fret and fidget when you are proposing.
Pamper yourself a little before the day comes in. Go for a facial massage to bring that confident radiance to your face, and do the best you can with your hair. To the person you are making the proposal, the impression must be that you really worked for the proposal, and that it is not a common everyday event for you. Your glistened look with make it special even for the other person.
Get the right kind of engagement ring. You do not want the person to dislike that ring. If you know the person well, you will know a lot about their likes and preferences. If you don't know what the person will like, do not hesitate to ask the salespersons at the shop. They will pick out the safest ring that you can use.
Good food is extremely important. One simply cannot have a marriage tips without food in it. You can either cook if you know how to or order food to be delivered to your place, or go to a restaurant together. Get to know about the preferences of the other person, and order that kind of cuisine. Among other things, the fact that you remembered their food preferences will stand out.
Get a lovely gift too. Again, it is best to go with her tastes. When you eventually propose, it is this gift that will seal the memories of the day for the future.
Both Brad Mcgovern & Sean Tan are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Brad Mcgovern has sinced written about articles on various topics from Network Marketing, Writing and SEO Articles. Brad McGovern is the Marketing Manager at Article Marketer, and offers advice and news of note to article marketers. Watch for. Brad Mcgovern's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Brad Mcgovern to your Favourites.
Sean Tan has sinced written about articles on various topics from Dieting, Video Games and Web Development. Several people have asked Sean for a foolproof Marriage Proposal Idea idea and Sean has really given them some nice ones. You will get more ideas from him at the fo. Sean Tan's top article generates over 110000 views. Bookmark Sean Tan to your Favourites.
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