Electric mobility scooters can provide the elderly, disabled, and seriously ill freedom of movement. Mobility is a critical to just about every aspect of everyday living. Having some freedom of movement enhances a person's capability to learn, earn a living and interact with friends, family and community. A large percentage of people with mobility limitations have permanent disabilities. Many people suffer from conditions that make walking an extremely hard and painful task including arthritis, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis. These individuals benefit from a variety of mobility aids and devices to assist them in lead fulfilling and active lives. The most popular forms of independently operated mobility equipment are electric mobility scooters and motorized wheelchairs.
The basic construction should combine a backrest, seat and foot support to provide a comfortable and stable seating base. This enables riders to expend their energy on the essential activities, such as operating the vehicle and accomplishing tasks from within the mobility scooter rather than wasting effort trying to maintain a comfortable, upright position. The seat unit should have an anatomically contoured seat base and backrest and be wide enough to accommodate outdoor clothing if necessary. However, it should not be so wide that the user is forced to sit asymmetrically to feel properly supported. If the seat is too narrow it will become uncomfortable and increase the risk of pressure sores.
Try to choose an electric mobility scooter that has a seat and backrest which can be adjusted to meet individual comfort levels. As well, a seat with fold up armrests adds to the comfort of the rider, make transferring on and off the seat easier and will reduce the amount of physical strain on the upper body. A stable seating posture is essential in order to manage the vehicle ?s controls which are located on the tiller, or steering column and handlebars.
The tiller is the control and steering mechanism for the mobility scooter and has the controls to drive the scooter forward or in reverse, as well as steering the front wheels. Some tillers feature height and angle adjustability to ensure that the rider can comfortably reach the tiller and therefore has maximum control over the scooter. A console, centrally located on the tiller, has the supplementary controls for lights, indicators, horn and to power the unit on and off. Two hands are typically required to manage the tiller steering component of an electric mobility scooter. Some models can be controlled by only one hand if the model is equipped with one level for acceleration that switches for forward and reverse mode, however operating supplementary controls at the same time as steering can be hard.
A motorized wheelchair is a form of personal transportation that typically has six wheels and is steered using a "joystick" type control mechanism. Other names for the motorized wheelchair include, electric chair, power wheelchair and power chair. A motorized wheelchair is usually equipped with outstanding maneuverability features that make them perfect for use in the home and will generally fit just about anywhere. Motorized wheelchairs are typically for in-door use.
The power mobility provided by electric wheelchairs has made a dramatic difference in many people's lives. The development of new technology in the industry has made it possible for people to obtain smaller, more lightweight and maneuverable motorized wheelchairs for use inside the home allowing people to move about in small places and complete their activities of daily living without being bed-ridden or sent to nursing homes.
In comparison, electric mobility scooters have either three or four wheels and steer much like a bicycle, using a set of handlebars and hand operated control mechanisms. Electric mobility scooters are ideal for indoor and outdoor activities, as they glide smoothly and simply over a variety of surfaces. There are even portable electric mobility scooters that will fit simply in the trunk of a car.
Electric mobility scooters are reliable,simple to operate, comfortable, safe and do not have the more obvious medical appearance of a motorized wheelchair.
Today ?s electric mobility scooters have three or four wheels, a steering column-known as a tiller-with handlebars and hand operated control mechanisms and a platform that supports the seat, battery and the riders feet. Electric mobility scooters are much less physically strenuous than a walker or manual wheelchair. Although the rider of a mobility scooter must be physically able to walk a few steps and have adequate upper body strength and dexterity, they do not require the more substantial amount of strength and dexterity necessary to operate a walker or manual wheelchair. The swiveling captain ?s style seat of an electric mobility scooter is typically easier than moving the foot supports of a manual or motorized wheelchair. As well, Electric mobility scooters are simple to maintain and easily recharged using a standard electrical outlet and charger.
Physical impairments need not prevent someone from participating in daily activities as well as special occasions with family and friends. Electric mobility scooters restore independence and freedom of mobility to help promote an active lifestyle.
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