Apart from being the fastest, easiest, and most profitable strategy for attracting clients and boosting profits in any small business, there are so many other advantages of joint venture marketing for all parties involved. So, why aren't all small business owners implementing joint ventures? Here's a partial list of the most common mistaken beliefs about joint venture marketing. I've picked the top five to shorten your reading time, but you can listen to more mistaken beliefs when you tune in to hear me being interviewed by That There's A High Risk of Losing Money. If you're like most small business owners, then the fear of losing money is inevitable because you're probably on a shoestring budget to start with. For more information logon to www.joint-ventures-secret.com
However, you can't lose money when you're paying for results only. You only pay out a commission when your joint venture partners? clients buy from you. So, you actually get the revenue before incurring the expense. The only other pre-sale expenses are production costs and printing/postage costs for letters, coupons or vouchers. Whether you do joint ventures or not, these are costs you'll incur anyway, because you'll need those coupons or vouchers for other marketing tactics.
That You'll Lose Your Clients. Your clients will purchase other products and services whether you like it or not. So, it would do your business good to recommend what they purchase and make a profit from it. In fact, recommending high-quality products and services to your clients will strengthen your relationship with them. How? Firstly, you're shortening their decision-making process by saving them the time they'll otherwise spend on finding and trying out those products and services. Secondly, by arranging exclusive discounts and bonuses, you're saving them money. By saving them time and money, you're adding value to what you already offer your clients, and this will therefore strengthen your client relationships. Those Doing Joint Ventures Will Eat Your Profits Most small business owners would rather struggle to get clients, and get mediocre profits at best, instead of sharing the profits with a joint venture partner that sends clients their way. They don't realize that joint venturing actually eliminates the risk of wasting money. For example, when you pay for an advert, you have no clue whether it will generate responses or not. So, you'll lose money if the ad fails. With a joint venture, you only pay for results. For more help go to www.jointwebventures.com
Of course time and effort go into the preparation. However, joint venture marketing is one of the very few strategies that don't take much effort or time to implement. If you're joint venturing with people that are in your network or people that can be introduced to you by someone in your network, then the relationship-building process is shortened. This is because you and your joint venture partner already know, like and trust each other, or you have a mutual friend that introduced you to each other. For this reason, it can take as little as thirty days to execute your first joint venture. On the other hand, if you're approaching a joint venture partner that is a cold contact, the time you're looking at is the relationship-building time. If you have great networking skills then you should be on your way in a few weeks or a few short months. It simply boils down to evaluating each other's character and business.