Nowadays, the company websites become important way to market the company's service or product. To hire a web developer, and web designer cost too much for many companies. This is especially true for new companies or businesses. Business owners without technical expertise affordably makes user-friendly and professional website thru SiteBuilder.
The SiteBuilder costs between $25 and $200. Rarely, a web hosting company offers SiteBuilder at absolutely nothing as long as you sign up for web hosting plans.
Powerful SiteBuilder includes huge variety of templates ready to use. Templates are design schemes designed by professional at your disposal. Any novice computer user can customize templates without difficulty. All you have to do is choose a template to apply to the entire website or a few web pages.
More importantly, the SiteBuilder are capable to add dynamic and rich content. Dynamic Page means the ability to display or change. First, the web server gets the data from the database. Using the data from the database, the web server instantly creates a page to be display on internet browsers. For example, an online pharmacy sells different medications. The web server dynamically picks up the medications to be display. So, the Dynamic Page displays different medications.
Advance users can drag and drop advance features on the page. Advance Features significantly lifts the functionality of the page. Common Advance Features includes hit counters, pop-up windows, online forms, audio files, video files, documents, PDF files, maps, and photo albums.
Best of all, the SiteBuilder integrates shopping cart and e-commerce to your website. Without typing a single line of code, the user effortlessly set up product categories, shipping, taxes, accepted payment methods, exchange policies, and much more.
The Built-in Site Security adds important trust to customers, and clients. To buy on online store is still out of the comfort zone to many customers and clients. Due to the fact, the customers and clients need to take a chance to pass personal information online to acquire a services or products. Identity thieves are on the rise. So, online stores protect the privacy of their customers and clients.
Moreover, the SiteBuilder comes with administrator tools that manage the community of customers. The administrator tools permits the restricting of access to any page, creating of number of users, authenticating of users to the database, and giving of different access levels.
The site statistics of SiteBuilder generates reports and graphs to learn how customers interact with your websites. To know your customer is the key to reduce shopping cart abandonment, and increase conversion rate. The behavior of customers also tells how the site owner effectively markets the website.
The SiteBuilder are a powerful tool that creates an important web presence, sells the products on the web, and serves the customers in wider market, educates the customers of the business. The site owner reaches more market with website. The website can be seen in any countries. You can only include so much features and tools. The features and tools in this article are only the fraction of the total capability of SiteBuilder. To learn more see live demos and read the user guide.
Fei Lim has sinced written about articles on various topics from Site Promotion, About Web Hosting and Web Development. Fei Lim owns and operate an Flizard Technologies which provides web hosting service, sells domain names, develops web application, and designs websites.. Fei Lim's top article generates over 1600 views. Bookmark Fei Lim to your Favourites.
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