As there are good business and accounting reasons to create a joint venture (JV) with a company that has complementary capabilities and resources, such as distribution channels, technology, or finance, joint ventures are becoming an increasingly common way for companies to form strategic alliances. In a joint venture, two or more "parent" companies agree to share capital, technology, human resources, risks and rewards in a formation of a new entity under shared control.
Important Factors to be considered before a Joint Venture is Formed
* Availability of appreciated or depreciated property being contributed to the joint venture; by misunderstanding the significance of appreciated property, companies can fundamentally weaken the economics of the deal for themselves and their partners.
* Special allocations of income, gain, loss or deduction to be made among the partners
* Compensation to the members that provide services
The Role of the Business Architect
Business architect is a person that initiates new business ventures or leads business innovation, designs a winning business model, and builds a sustainable balanced business system for a lasting success.
Business architects can be found in a multitude of business settings: corporate change leaders, initiators of joint ventures, managers of radical innovation projects, in-company ventures, spin-outs, for more detail visit or new start-up ventures. Although the settings in which business architects act are different, they all design and run a new venture to achieve its sustainable growth.
Human Resources (HR) Action Steps to Prepare for a Successful JV2
* Begin with a sound, well-articulated strategy.
Before moving forward, determine and explain why you wish to enter into a joint venture, why you have chosen your partner(s), and what you hope to achieve. Define involvement (managerial, capital, etc) of the parent companies and how long the JV will last. Put in place strategies to define governance, for more detail visit accountability, decision-making process, and conflict- and issue-resolution procedures. Ensure buy-in and participation at the highest level. Consider outcomes: what could cause you to terminate the joint venture, and what is the preferred exit strategy.
* Develop HR strategies that align and support the goals of the JV: develop a distinct identity and culture for the new organization; communicate aggressively to employees; and establish distinct career paths, management, and a means of return for employees transferred to the JV. Create compensation, incentive, and retention programs tied to the success of the JV. Maintain open communication between the HR departments of the parents and the JV.
* Define a process for leadership selection that's seen as fair and credible, and name top-tier leadership as soon as possible. Look for key indicators of leadership potentials such as behavior, past experience, and measurable outputs.
* Communication. To engage and motivate your employees, communication should be frequent and used to create a common vision, establish a connection with leadership, explain the new rules, support the individual transition process, aid in retention, and ultimately, define the new organization in terms of "We" instead of an "It" or "They". Share as much information as you can, and never sugar-coat or make false promises.
The Role Of Business
Although advertising, like pay per clicks, can be effective in promoting your website, it can quickly become expensive. By focusing on creating quality content for website, and then promoting that content, you can continue to drive traffic to your website for years to come.
Writing an Ebook or creating Articles can be done easily. These lessen expenses that may be incurred. There are five strategies that you can implement in your business that will not only create a content strategy for you but will also create a very effective marketing strategy. These strategies will only require a few hours of your time each week. It also helps generate traffic to your site.
Articles do not only brand you as an expert but are also a way to create quality content for your site, and search engines love content.
Blogging is another way to create content for your website, and by using RSS, you can easily distribute your content.
Press Releases
Press releases are news about your business. Press releases are also an excellent way to get high rankings for your site because you can create content rich press releases and submit them to press release directories.
Search Engine Optimization
Optimizing your site for the search engines means creating keyword rich content, exchanging links with other sites, submitting your site to directories, that creates back links pointing to your site.
Free Ebooks and Reports
By writing and giving away free Ebooks and reports, you give visitors an incentive to visit your website.
These five strategies have been used by Internet marketers to achieved high returns for their products or services presented.
Moreover, another way of promoting your business or site is by using Pay per Click (PPC), though it may require expensive transactions.
What is PPC anyway? Pay per click search engines also known as Pay per Ranking, Pay per Placement or Pay per Position provides web site owners the opportunity to buy their way to better positions on search results pages. Pay per click advertising on search engines allows you to choose keywords you would like your site to appear for when a search is performed.
A very important point to keep in mind with Pay per Click (PPC) is you must test, test, and test some more. Don't start off with a major investment. Start with the minimum and see how the search engine performs in terms of the traffic it delivers and how well that traffic converts into paying customers.
The Pay per Click Guide provides an overview of several pay per click programs on offer. Each program is reviewed using the following four criteria:
One of the main appeals of PPC is the level of targeting available to advertisers. PPC evolved as a better option to CPM (cost per thousand impressions) advertising that was the original metric used to sell advertising on websites.
From the user point of view PPC advertising is not easy to come to grips with initially but will reward those marketers that spend the time learning to use the system and optimize their campaigns.
Both Superianehrukolkata & Costa Dedes are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Costa Dedes has sinced written about articles on various topics from Blog Traffic, Joint Venture and Email Marketing. Costa Dedes is an SEO and Internet Marketing Expert. He has been selling products online since 1997. Costa's websites are always in the top 10,000 most popular sites on the internet.. Costa Dedes's top article generates over 14800 views. Bookmark Costa Dedes to your Favourites.
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